Am i the only one on landyzone that hasnt a clue what this thread is about ?

Well it looks like a moderator edited my post as they thought it was spam. As most people know here I'm a Landy enthusiast that has spent hours helping out others on here and even written up a "how to" guide for the benefit of anyone wanting to put a disco 200TDI into a Defender so it's not like I've just signed up and spammed the forum with Viagra ads!

The iPhone inclinometer app was something I was working on and recently got my developers to complete and put in the appstore. I genuinely thought this would be of interest to people on here and looks like it was until my original post was edited... :( :doh:


The iPhone inclinometer app was something I was working on and recently got my developers to complete and put in the appstore. I genuinely thought this would be of interest to people on here and looks like it was until my original post was edited... :( :doh:



If its a free app then I am sure it would have been but if you want to sell it then dont you think it would have been a nice idea to ask first ;)
i-phones .... full of app's..... how many can you use at a one time can you make a call as well as using an number of app's, one to see where your going, one to see what angle your at, one to find out what altitude your at.. oh year and making a call..... all on one small screen and a little battery...

Where has the adventure gone in life.
If someone could ask their developers to develop an app that cost 59p and gave me a blow job whenever i wanted then please feel free to spam me with it.
Well it looks like a moderator edited my post as they thought it was spam. As most people know here I'm a Landy enthusiast that has spent hours helping out others on here and even written up a "how to" guide for the benefit of anyone wanting to put a disco 200TDI into a Defender so it's not like I've just signed up and spammed the forum with Viagra ads!

The iPhone inclinometer app was something I was working on and recently got my developers to complete and put in the appstore. I genuinely thought this would be of interest to people on here and looks like it was until my original post was edited... :( :doh:



As an avid Android user, 99% of any useful apps that i have are free cause buggered if I'm paying for anything that I'll use once in a blue moon and most apps are just that, cheap thrills for your phone. Google realised this when they put their maps and navigation software on all Android based phones for free, yeah it's abit slow at times, but it beats buying a TomTom or similar.

The app you have up there is a gimmick, nothing more, it's a fun thing you're gonna use once in a blue moon and like i said previously, there are plenty of free versions floating about ( albeit without the Landy i agree ).

Peeps on here are tight bastards, give em summat for free and they'll love ya, ask for money and you can fook off :p:D

The guide you did in the Def section? Top work and much more useful than an app for an iphone :p:D
Well it looks like a moderator edited my post as they thought it was spam. As most people know here I'm a Landy enthusiast that has spent hours helping out others on here and even written up a "how to" guide for the benefit of anyone wanting to put a disco 200TDI into a Defender so it's not like I've just signed up and spammed the forum with Viagra ads!

The iPhone inclinometer app was something I was working on and recently got my developers to complete and put in the appstore. I genuinely thought this would be of interest to people on here and looks like it was until my original post was edited... :( :doh:



Have you thought about trying the 'for sale' section?;)
If someone could ask their developers to develop an app that cost 59p and gave me a blow job whenever i wanted then please feel free to spam me with it.

I think I knew that girl many years ago, long before mobile phones were thought of
No worries guys and all criticism taken on board - life's too short!

Now if I could only create an App that made Landy's reliable then I'd become an overnight millionaire - even at 59p a pop!!!


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