
New Member
Hi all

Unfortunately I sold my 90 a few months ago now (still really miss it tho :mad: ) but something I was working on at the time was how to spam this forum. All feedback welcome (he says holding up a shield, I know what some of you are like!)


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P.S. Do you that app in android, I may have a friend who might download it :eek:

Funnily enough we've just ported it across to Android yes :) Just fixing a bug to do with audio but should be up on Android Market within the week - I'll keep you posted so you can tell your "friend" ;)

Is it free? I just downloaded the spirit level app for free and it's the best app ever!
Not trying to be pedantic but there's a spelling mistake on the app store. Little things like that could put someone off.
A landscape mode would be useful but not essential.
Something that would make your app stand out would be if you could set an alarm to beep when you get into a dangerous situation. People could set the angle they want the beep to come on at.
You could also add a flipped screen mode so it can work as a HUD at night.

Maybe you could send me the app in exchange for my ideas :D... it was worth a try.
Or you can download countless compass apps on android for free with the incline doobry whatsit things on em.
or you cud pay me to sit in the vehicle I know exactly when a vehicles about to go over?? I is experienced I is.. :D :D
I can offer a "What the fook is he doing??!!!" whilst looking in me rear-view mirror.

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