New Member
Hello everyone I'm Andy and I have just purchased a 2009 auto Freelander 2.
I plan on keeping the car for a considerable amount of time as my son is moving to Scotland with work and I wanted to be able to continue visiting him whatever the weather.
I was recommended by a friend who said his fl2 was the best car he had ever driving and I can confirm this after my 5 hour journey home last night after picking the car up.
It has a few niggles that I am sure I will need some help and advice with and hopefully you will all support me on my future owner experiences and potential problems.
Thank you all in advance
Andy B
Welcome to landyzone regular users of nose pliers for removing bumfluff.
Feel free to pop along to Freelander section to garner more information.
Loving your quotes guys, already had front bumper off and replaced a parking sensor and switched the pipes so that I have front washers, probably the button on the stalk but as I was sorting the sensors anyway thought it was worth a punt. Glad to say all went back together lovely. Booked in with indy specialist next week for new ignition dock and coding and getting them to sort timing and water pump as although the aux belt looks new you never know.
Also main stealers wanted nearly £500 just to sort ignition so for a couple of hundred more im getting the timing done too.
The person I bought from let me know everything upfront and priced the car accordingly so I'm still winning my end.
Thanks for the welcome guys.

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