
Hi, just wanted to say hello and get myself on here. This is my new acquisition, a FFR NAD 2.5 1994 Defender. I'm looking forward to chatting and in particular discussing fitting PAS as my wife drives this as well as me and is struggling with the heavy steering.
_Landy (1).jpg

That looks like a good base to start with.
PAS don’t do it. Your wife will love it too much and you won’t get to drive it:eek: or you might have to buy another one for yourself;)

Loads of info search around first am sure you will find the answer. If not plenty of help available.

Got her last Sunday. Was a 4 hour drive to get her home but she never missed a beat. I have had 8 Defenders and Discos in the past but I think this is a keeper!
wouldn't it be cheaper to get your wife a gym membership.... that was you have a couple hours each day to look at your new favourite toy without being nagged.
Hmmm it is actually registered in her name... That was the deal but we are very good at sharing!
Welcome to the forum

If yer want ter make it betterer upgrade it with Freelander parts.

Fitted fer radio were normally 24v. Is yours still 24v or converted ter 12v?
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Hi, it is 12v, it was converted back in 2011 according to the paper work when it was decommissionined from the MOD.
Thinking of using a 4 bolt steering box and buying a TD5 PAS pump off ebay. What do you think? Any advice greatly received, Mike

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