
New Member

I have just registered on here, so I thought I'd waste no time in logging on to introduce myself.

I am a newbie to this forum, but not to land rovers, having had a late 80s 90 and a disco 2 in the past.

I have now got an early 80s series 3 diesel as a 2nd car/project/oversized mechano set.

I rather unwisely registered on another lesser (magazine based) forum first (in the interests of diplomacy it, and my previous username shall remain, erm, nameless. But it was a boring dull place where banter was frowned upon), but eventually after mooching around a bit I found my way here...
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I have just registered on here, so I thought I'd waste no time in logging on to introduce myself.

I am a newbie to this forum, but not to land rovers, having had a late 80s 90 and a disco 2 in the past.

I have now got an early 80s series 3 diesel as a 2nd car/project/oversized mechano set.

I rather unwisely registered on another lesser (magazine) forum first, but eventually I found my way here...

We int nobodys sloppy seconds you know :mad:

:welcome2:........ish :D
Apologies blue beasty, see what you mean, but in my defence i dint know about here, when i registered for there...

in fact, I never even knew this forum existed untill a week ago.
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:welcome2: And may you never lose your way again......although losing your mind on here is mandatory :D
Come on then, show us some piccys......What have you got and will you ever have money or truly clean hands ever again?
I can't be sure but I think I lost my mind earlier this year....I mean why else would I buy an old land rover unseen over the internet....

Right, where was I, ah yes, pictures...

Bear with me....
I can't be sure but I think I lost my mind earlier this year....I mean why else would I buy an old land rover unseen over the internet....

Right, where was I, ah yes, pictures...

Bear with me....

I did that once and I couldn't believe my own just to be sure I did it again :doh:
I can't be sure but I think I lost my mind earlier this year....I mean why else would I buy an old land rover unseen over the internet...

:welcome2: Don't worry about it we have a few Mental Health professionals knocking about the place, occasionally you may even get some sense out of um:p:p:p:p;);):rolleyes:
:welcome2: Don't worry about it we have a few Mental Health professionals knocking about the place, occasionally you may even get some sense out of um:p:p:p:p;);):rolleyes:

Sense out of moi .............never I say , never :D
This is jenny xie from ET Power Machinery Co.,ltd. I am from China. Our company specialize in Engine, engine parts and generator set.
Hello all! I'm obviously new to this forum and relatively new to Land Rovers. I'm only in college so I haven't been driving terribly long but I have worked on engines and mechanical things of all sizes since I could hold a wrench. Currently I have a 1971 Series 2A (late model) left hand drive... yes, I live in the states. I've had it for a little over three years now and have done numerous modifications to it while retaining its original history i.e., no body modifications or engine mutations. I do all the work on it by myself at my 'shop' at home and sometimes in the parking lot at university. I'm hoping to learn a lot from my brethren across the pond and maybe give my naive two cents as well along the way. Cheers.

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