
New Member
Hi All,

let me briefly introduce myself, having read for a while I could not stop myself replying... ;o)

I'm Mark, Nickname KiloSjon, and I'm 35yrs of age. Am (and always have been) a huge fan of the RRC, but do not own one (yet). Have driven Guzzi LeMans for years, but maybe I can (finally) trade the 2x1 for a 4x4 this year... :D

no but you can use it to get away from them for a bit

Hehe, that's true, but also can do that in a rangie...

but after having seen the whole of Europe on two wheels for 17yrs, it's time to move on... Last year I even went on a bike offroad through Sweden, but the landrover experience I also did in Germany convinced me that 4x4 is just a much fun
Quick update, has been a while but a DiscoII joined our family... and the Guzzi can stay...

Best of both worlds...



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