
New Member
Hi I live in Skipton north yorkshire,
my name is Richard,
my 1st L R S3 air portable, iput the v8 in,
kids arived up graded to range rover then moved to cars.
I now have a 1997 tdi300, i use it for pest control & towing caravan.
well pleased .
I worced for yorksire water for 30 years driving 200tdi 130 tiper, 12000 miles, then a 300tdi for 60000 miles, then moved to jap crap,
I am a radio ham & do raynet, if i canot get thear its tough.
sory if my gramer is not good,
I am dislexick,
Yours Richard [age 61]:eek::amen:
Hi sam i passed my advanced test last november 4th time, you get to 60 its hard work.
I have a yasu 8900 in the disco. at home a icom 7200 hf set & g5 ij. ft 817 for sota ect.
yours Richard
Hi Richard, I'm based in Lancaster, if your heading out greenlaning in the local area give me a private message, I'll come along .
Hi and welcome
My first landrover was an ex military series 3 Air portable as well and i am also a radio amateur. G0RIY is the call sign took me 4 attempts to pass that bloody morse code test. Got a defendender 90 now with 200tdi.
Hi Richard, welcome to the forum

I lived in Skipton for many years, my mother still lives in Embsay, great place to live.
THanks for the replys.
I was born near Barden towers by the river wharfe,
just over the hill from Embsay.
the cud say a reet dales lad,
I have been lucky to have worked in the dales all my life.
Keep the shiny side up 73 Richard M0NTT
THanks for the replys.
I was born near Barden towers by the river wharfe,
just over the hill from Embsay.
the cud say a reet dales lad,
I have been lucky to have worked in the dales all my life.
Keep the shiny side up 73 Richard M0NTT

You will have to come on our Dales laning trip, you will know the area better than me :D:D

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