
New Member
Hi everyone! I wonder if you can help me.

My 2.5 na diesel defender has recently developed a fault, which I have not experienced until now.
I will try to explain, a few days ago when warming the glow plugs on the defender I heard what sounded like a crackling noise coming from the fuse box. I understand there is normally one click as the fuse engages. But this sounded like lots of crackling clicks, and have never heard it before. Anyway, I started the engine, it then ran for 2 seconds, then died. Second time I started it, it ran then cut out 2 miles down the road.
Just drove home from work, and the truck cut out three or four times on the way back. With me needing to restart the car whilst on the move.
After it restarts it appears to be fine, until it mysteriously kills the engine again.
I have taken the fuse box cover off. The crackling noise is coming from the two metal plug in fuses (?) below the regular fuses.

I apologise about my lack of knowledge, I am only just learning about mechanics and vehicle electrics.

Any suggestions would be great! Cheers guys
I R Confused...have we 2 blue beastys??

I thought the same thing -- blue beastys just down the road from me - and i was gonna say prob got no oil in it lol .

Just checked our BB has a space in it :) between his ears :p .

But .
check the wiring on the fuel stop solonoid at the back of the IP and see if its a tight fit - more likely that or IGN switch at a guess .
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Well it obviusly sounds like bad connection some where, try to remoove the the fuse box and have a look behind. Allso is your cut out solenoid on the INJ pump fused? check the con on that, But before you do anithing at all, go get your self a haynes manual or something simlar, it will be the best thing you'll do for your landy.:p
Thanks for the replies. I have been away with work so only just had a chance to look. Everything appears to be connected correctly to the injection pump. All the fuses seem fine. It now looks like it has to be the ignition switch. I have taken the plastic covering off surrounding the ignition, just wondering how easy it is to change, and the best place to get the part.

Cheers guys!
Does this seem right? Wondering whether I should go ahead and change the ignition switch. Definitely not getting outside in this weather though!

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