As im not a dick like you I'll say thanks (again) for the help and leave you to brush the oil from under your nails ...

There goes any offers of help next time you have a problem :doh:

Luckily you have a P38 so it probably won't be for several minutes :p:p
As im not a dick like you I'll say thanks (again) for the help and leave you to brush the oil from under your nails ...

Dear me you are an angry little fellow aren't you. You don't get oil under your nails doing the job i retired from, just lots of money. I washed my intercooler out with washing up liquid and warm water. Hope it was (bio)logical washing up liquid. I fitted sleeves and silicone hoses to stop the hoses from getting sucked in. Jesus christ i have heard of some stupid things done to cars but that takes the biscuit. Can i take it that in biomechanics logical reasoning is not required?

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