
New Member
Hello All

Would appreciate some advice re intermittent engine cut out which is becoming more regular and potentially dangerous. The symptoms reflect a noticeable loss of power prior to the engine cutting out and the vehicle stalling.Its then takes between 5-10 minutes to restart and then it appears to drive fine. Used to be very occasionally but has happened twice this week. All on board electrics are working during this time and engine " machine gunning" away but not engaging on key turnover. Would appreciate any feedback as to likely cause before I take it to the garage. Its a 300tdi with 100000 miles and a new reconditioned gearbox which I bought as a second car a year ago but have been using as a daily driver for a few months. Would like to keep it going if at all possible.

All feedback re possible cause greatly appreciated.

Many thanks
Sounds like a fuel starvation problem.
If it starts up again OK it's not getting air in it just can't get enough diesel.

Things to check.

Breather to tank in fuel filler cap.
Fuel separator, (just above rear axle inboard of chassis)
Lift pump.
Fuel filter.

Next time it happens, dash round to the filler & take the cap off.
If there's a significant Whoosh of air going in to the tank that's likely the problem.
If not you'll have to look further.
fuel sedimentor's my guess atm. (think you called it a seperator - same thing really)
corroded housing on it.

cant do a lot else until op comes back tho..
Thanks to all for the feedback-appreciated- which all points to a fuel related issue. Will keep under review and discuss with mechanic. Will let you know how i get on.

Thanks again to all
Hi all

Can anyone recommend a good Discovery specialist based in Bucks/Oxford to look at my 300Tdi on a 1996 plate with 100000miles.

thanks for that-on the basis the engine doesn't cut out too many times on the way there ...!its about 20 miles so might give him a go

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