
1999 P38 2.5 DSE
My P38 has a strange fault. When I am driving along, suddenly I hear clunk-clunk. The central locking seems to have a mind of its own. Sometimes it seems to do it just the once, then occasionally two or three times.
It even started doing it when I wasn't even in the car with the ignition on! It was parked-up while I was working on my other P38. Weird! Has anyone else had this problem?
Had same on mine, as above door lock switches. Replaced door lock sorted. Also can cause problems with tailgate opening
As above, Mine did it last year and eventually led to engine immobilised so had to enter the EKA and eventually that stopped responding so just this week replaced the door latch assembly and all issues cleared.
its the cdl microswitch in the door pack ,,,, check martyuk site out see if he has one available , its much cheaper & quicker to just change the whole unit over rather than bits & pieces ,and big plus is if its from martyuk ... you know its all fully refurbed with all new microswitches ,, the real deal . o0k cheers Mozz
Brilliant, thanks for that guys. I guess I'll just have to remove the door cards one by one and check (I'm not sure how, actually, but we'll see.
I did search under central locking, but didn't see anything the same, but I shall now search "ghost locking" thanks RRdt

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