A multimeter would have confirmed for you, I would never just switch parts out without testing first, worth every penny they are.
A multimeter would have confirmed for you, I would never just switch parts out without testing first, worth every penny they are.
YUP, but with an intermitent fault? you can test and its ok, you can only trace a fault when present.
for the price of a new one, and as the steering shroud and barrel lock where allready off, and paddock only 5 mins away from me, i banged a new one on.
it seems the fault wasnt so much the switch not turning on, more kinda not turning off fully, if that makes sense?
anyway for some reason iam now getting more volts when running than before, only used to show 13 ish v on the voltmeter now its 14 ish, and ive had a weired problem when going to full beam when the heater was on full, as you switched on full beam, lights would go off for a very short time before main beam came on?
doesnt do it now?

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