
New Member
Hello All,

Please can you help me?

I need to look inside my Freelander tailgate as when I use handle to open it , The glass drops as normal but the door wont open it doesn't unlock.

I have had a quick look at the interior trim from inside the boot with the seats down and I can see a few screws at the bottom of the trim.

My question is are there any other screws I should be aware of when trying to remove it and is it possible to remove with the tailgate locked shut.

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated

Many thanks
pretty sure you will need the tailgate open.

From memory....there is 3 maybe 4 big screws to remove from bottom of plastic trim (big plastic door card with pocket). After that its held on with plastic poppers. You have to be a bit brutal, yank it towards you. The whole plastic bit is hung on the door underneath the rubber seal across the top, it should come off pretty easy now.

...thats all from memory but pretty sure thats about it.
I think that there are only screws at the bottom. Then its a question of just pulling and the plastic plugs should pop free. When taking the plastic sheet off, use a hairedryer to sofen the glue to avoid ripping it. Whilst your there check that the two wires into the tailgate window for the defrostic mechanism are secure as these have a tendancy to break off or work loose.
use a hairedryer to sofen the glue to avoid ripping it.

Good point - there is a grey damp proof cover under the plastic trim it tears very easily. When you replace it, leave enough slack in it for the pocket on the plastic trim which pushes against it.

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