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Excellent, Everyone received there's and everyone was happy. Hopefully someone reading this at a later date will be tempted to put a group buy together. thanks to all who took part, a genuine bunch of people, no messing or timewasting. everyone did their part when it was required. A real credit to the Landrover community.
Shame LZ recieves no payment as a sales channel:rolleyes:

LZ didnt sell anything, it did however provide an excellent platform for a group of like minded people to formulate a plan and execute it. For that i am greatful and have made a donationa (and donations in the past)

but then again you dont really care about now Fanatic do you? go try stirr the sh!t somewhere else pal! :lalala:
LZ didnt sell anything, it did however provide an excellent platform for a group of like minded people to formulate a plan and execute it. For that i am greatful and have made a donationa (and donations in the past)

but then again you dont really care about now Fanatic do you? go try stirr the sh!t somewhere else pal! :lalala:

Just another way for BBS Colin the convicted car clocker to pedal his gear, I have never said his gear is crap- but his constant ways of not sponsoring forum and being asked to can the spam are numerous- that's why he doesn't post anymore:rolleyes:

Thread locked or deleted :censored::hijacked:
Just another way for BBS Colin the convicted car clocker to pedal his gear, I have never said his gear is crap- but his constant ways of not sponsoring forum and being asked to can the spam are numerous- that's why he doesn't post anymore:rolleyes:

Seriously, do you just stay up late at night looking for sh!t to talk? this thread is open for weeks and not a single negative comment until you...

those are some fairly serious accusations you are making. true or not you should be careful spreading that around.
Seriously, do you just stay up late at night looking for sh!t to talk? this thread is open for weeks and not a single negative comment until you...

those are some fairly serious accusations you are making. true or not you should be careful spreading that around.

No it's fact

Try googing
"black box solutions owner"

Your find his condescending attitude and patchy customer service is well known.

He posts no longer on here as suggested his tinned meat required sponsorship, I would simply NEVER spend money with a company with his attitude- that is my choice and an opinion I'm free to voice.

My advice is massage Colin's ego if you want support and if the unit is faulty expect to pay shipping back.:lalala:
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LZ didnt sell anything, it did however provide an excellent platform for a group of like minded people to formulate a plan and execute it. For that i am greatful and have made a donationa (and donations in the past)

but then again you dont really care about now Fanatic do you? go try stirr the sh!t somewhere else pal! :lalala:

+1. Perhaps the time for negative comments would have been before the commitment to buy.
I was well aware of the negative comments prior to parting with the cash, but for the DIY'er don't think much can touch the Nanocom and until that changes I will support it.
This was my 2nd group buy and brought the unit into my reach cash wise.
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