
Hi People
I have a dilemma.
To intercool or not to? That is the question.
I am considering buying the Alisport Dual core intercooler.[not the full width one]
I have read just about everything I can find on the subject.
Some say it is a waste of time ,others say wow wish I had done it sooner.
If it only cost a couple of hundred I would just try it .But 400 notes is a big gamble.

I have a 200tdi the pump has been tweaked, and is only used as everyday transport.

I need to make a decision as the yes /no aspect has been playing tennis in my head for days.
What do you guys/gals think
Is your current intercooler carped? ie Blocked core or fins rotted out?
Doubt it will all be proportionate, but what sort of extra cooling do they claim for the dual core intercooler? I'm thinking it might help you to decide if they claim for eg 10% more efficient cooling, this might translate in to 10% denser air, doubt it'll translate to 10% extra power though. But, TBH, I don't know. Just thought it would be a useful way to consider it's worth.
I'd be very careful about a dual core IC, and, as above make sure you get some proper believable figures for the increased cooling - because if the cores are one behind the other, then the benefits are instantly reduced by dint of a design that is, IMHO, too much of a compromise... - there is loads of space in front of the water rad for a full width and, given I have a full width on my 300, I'd suggest this is the way forward as it gets around the one core behind the other issue. IIRC, @Flossie has a FWIC on his deafener, which might even be a 200 too :)

From what I have seen, there are other companies that can make you a FWIC for similar money to the allisport dual core.

You don't mention which vehicle the 200 is in, but there's a lot of info here:-


( There are pics of my FWIC on here for your delectation!n )
Yes, got a full width on a 200.
I did the tweaks before fitting the uprated cooler and tbh noticed no performance increase.
It possibly lowered my EGTs but I don't have the gauge so I'll never know.
Thanks for the replies
,Alisport claim an extra 80% cooling capacity for the dual core.
But there are still to many can not notice the difference replies out there to warrant me making the jump.
I can say, with some certainty that I noticed the difference when I put my FWIC on - and, as we have two D1's, and the other one has the standard IC, then I'd be very surprised if anyone who drove them both, back to back, didn't notice too.....o_O

I'd also mention that as soon as I find a jeremy fearn IC for sale, then I'll buy it and put it on t'other D1 ;)

In terms of the Allisport claims, I'd really want to see some proper figures for the increase in cooling ability - I.E. so many cubic meters of air at standard temperature and pressure getting cooled by an extra number of degrees at a given air flow through the IC - or some equivalent.
Had a look at Jeremy fearn site and he is offering intercooler upgrade and boost tweak for a 200tdi from £550+vat=145bhp fitted I think.

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