Andy Burrell

Retired to the country
After a short break without a Landy I am looking to get a 1999 V8 Gs 5 seater as a winter vehicle so as to look after my other car in the bad weather.
I need to insure it in my name along with my existing car but am getting silly quotes as most places won't take any No claims I currently have. Anyone recommend a good company or broker I could talk to. Tried my existing insurers but they want me to take out a second policy £££, tried comparison sites but not 100% sure the quotes are kosher as they put me down as a named driver on my wife's insurance which I am but not sure if that is cheating the system.
On a classic policy no claim discount is not used or needed, so often they appeal folk without any. I have a lot as I am old but do not use it.
Why won't they accept your no claims? Never heard of that one before
Usually these companies will accept your NCD if you are insuring a vehicle previously insured with another company and are therefore transferring from one to another. But if you are keeping one car and buying another, you aren't transferring anything. so you are starting a new policy. The fact that you have good NCD only shows you are not an accident prone person, which will stand in your favour when they work out your premium, but it won't reduce it as you have yet to earn NCD with them.
The exception to this is modified/ classic etc type insurance when they might well take it into account as they know you won't be using it as your daily driver, commuting in it etc. I used to be able to have 1 daily driver and about 3 others all on classic car/kit car insurance, and the latter 3 were always cheapish. But they have tightened up a lot on this recently.
At the end of the day all you can do is shop around. But if you do limited mileage that helps.

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