
Well-Known Member

I know that I may have ben doing a little bit of wishful thinking trying to get landrover 90 Insurance on the cheap, especially considering that I am only 17, and only just passed my test earlier in January, but I really had my heart set on one :(

I've been looking at a LandRover 90, a C reg 1986 model with a 2.5 Diesel engine (no turbo). I have recieved a quote taking advantage of my Mum / Dad as the main driver with their "over 9 years no claims" bonus, but to little effect. The quotes are still coming in at about £2300, that's worth about the same as the landrover its's self.

I am just looking for advice in the way of good Insurers who may well just drive the price down. Can I insure it as a classic vehicle and still get cheap insurance regardless of my age and lack of experience for example?

Perhaps you know an Insurance company who will let my folks can use their no claims on two cars?

Thanks in advance for any help
do a search on the forum as this subject has been covered plenty of times before.

im 24, with no NCB, had my licence 1 year before i bought my 1984 LR90 on a classic car policy with footman james for £375 with full EU/UK breakdown rec.

It can be done.

Try Norwich Union - they insured a 1990 90 2.5NA to a 18 year old for £800 and something having only passed the test a week before.
adrian flux ther good im 20 and had 3 "bangs" and i only pay £880 a year an that fully comp an insured to go offroad aswell
Hi and thanks for the replies. Just a quick update:

1) Adrian Flux woudn't even talk to me because I am under 25 / 21, which isn't really very re-assuring but thanks for the reccomendation none the less ;)

2) Norwich Union quoted me £600 as a named driver and my Mums no claims, however, they are tied to my Mums car only and so my own third party fire and theft was £2300 :(

3) Footman James won't consider me because I am under age for their policy :( but thanks again for the help.

I am beginning to wonder how I can actually work around this. There is always the NFU that I can try, they rejected me before, but if my parents called I may be in with a chance.

I could always ask my Dad if he would be willing to insure himself on the landrover with his no claims, and then I'd pay back the difference on his car insurance without his no claims bonus.

Why is everything so hard!?

Thanks again for all the help, I'll be sure to keep you up to date with my progress.

Go to confused.com and put in all your details
they search the whole lot in one go takes
about 15 minutes to input 1min for all the qoutes
Hi, thanks for all the replies - here's an update.

The NFU will infact insure me as long as the car is Insured with my mum or dad as the main driver which is great. I may even be able to use my Dad's no claims which should help even more.

Ensleigh, our current broker have also worked out a way that they can drive the price down, and even cut the insurance on the car which I am currently insured on whcih is music to my ears.

No quotes as of yet, but hoping they will be a lot lower than £800 (fingers tightly crossed) I should have quotes from the two by tomorrow. It will make or break my decission so I'm hoping they can help.

Thanks again

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