
New Member
Its that time of year again. . .
Yep: In-sur-ance renewal time

& i think they want both arms & legs?
I was of the misguided delusion that insurance was supposed to get cheaper as you got older / more experienced

Stupid me

Now before I jump on ye’ olde’ soapbox. . .
The best quote so far is £300’ish @ More Than
Has anybody tried them?

Blue skies
£300 sounds bloody reasonable to me. Have you tried putting that you are 18 again and seeing what it comes up with then??! You'll never complain again!

carole nash supplied me with a competitve quote, but the difference wasn't enough from my current insurer to go through the hassle of cancelling, getting proof of no claims, setting up direct debit etc. so i satyed with sainsbury's. 26 yrs old, clean license, 8 yrs ncd, £340 on a 88 3.5 v8, it could of been twice that but hearing that v8 every morning is a thing of beauty!

just my 2 cents worth.
best deal i got was from lanaster look for them on the web got my s3 for £100 fully comp but it helps to be 35 and going grey !!!!!

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