Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


New Member
Morning guys quick question any one know best place for insurance as my insurance company has wacked mine up by £400+. The cheapest ive found upto now fully comp is £793 with admin fees etc over 12 months direct debit,any pointers in right direction would very helpful cheers guys :)
money super market? compare the meerkat? or if it int ya main motor. try frank Pickles. I was quoted £156 for me R reg 300tdi disco. :D
Try they do my range HSE for £134 (valued at £2900) and a rolls royce at £385 (valued at £38500)
Think the link is right. But it's Lancaster ins anyway.
Don't let the other greedy companies take your hard earned!!! ;-)
my insurance on my new L322 is costing me 4K for this year being im only 18 years old ! haha

That us a fookin joke mate. If I was you I'd insure something cheap and get a policy that covers you on another vehicle in someone else name...(put the l322 in the mrs name lol)
Hi i have a 1999 4.6 hse range rover ,on lpg, and my insurance is £252 fully comp with protected no claims with adrian flux that includes ignition key insurance as well, give them a try. :D :D:D:D:D:D:D
Don`t forget the NFU either
And finally if you have another car look at doing a multicar policy - Admiral do a pretty good scheme, you can have diferent main drivers and they keep their own ncb.
That us a fookin joke mate. If I was you I'd insure something cheap and get a policy that covers you on another vehicle in someone else name...(put the l322 in the mrs name lol)

cheapest for me is adrian flux ! some other companys wont even bother insuring anyone on a range rover untill your 21 !

and they have caught onto the named driver buisness now, even if one of my parents where the owner and main driver and i was added as a named driver its the same price or more expensive - and doing it that way you dont knock up any no claims !

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Dont do AXA on line, I tried that and its the first time in 43 years driving I have been refused insurance. When I phoned them the girl told me the computer makes the decision and probably decided not to insure a Range Rover. I have been insured with them before and when I asked about a phone quote she said she cant because the computer had already decided and she cant change it. I was with Saga until this year bit they quoted £350ish so I phoned RIAS and they quoted £219. They only deal with over 50s though.
Hi All, especialy p38 FYFEY....just applied for a quote at Lancasters for my p38 DT manual and got a quote of £1900....:wtf:

Present insurer is esure £630 fully comprehensive inclusive of all costs and thats with 8yrs no claims and no convictions so how Lancasters come up with that i dont know

Just for the record my insurance jumped up by £280 this year for no apparent reason the twisting B******ds

So reddevil2010 give esure a go I got the quote on compare the market .com and it was the cheapest on offer.....Good luck chum...
Just for the record my insurance jumped up by £280 this year for no apparent reason the twisting B******ds

So reddevil2010 give esure a go I got the quote on compare the market .com and it was the cheapest on offer.....Good luck chum...

When I questioned Saga about the jump in insurance costs they told me it is because of people who dont insure their cars and those who fake accidents to make fictitious claims. But WHY should honest motorists pay to cover the insurance company's losses? If their rates were fairer maybe more people would insure. Also, they should employ investigators to weed out dodgy claims rather that make us pay extra to cover them. Used to be that if you made a claim on your house insurance an assessor would call and check the damage. Whats wrong with a similar system for injury claims?

oh well, fallen off me soap box now! maybe I'll make a claim :D
Adrian Flux for me and they'll match any other quote come renewal time, I think I pay about £300 for a 2.5 DHSE fully comp with breakdown cover (I'm 36).
In France my renewal this year for my year 2000 P38 DHSE was €403, about £356 but that includes a europe wide unlimited green card and europe wide recovery.
:confused:....why is mine so expensive then ??? nearly £650 with 8 yrs no claims....unless its my postcode....Wammers your in preston as well arent you how much is yours...? in ribbleton Wammers...

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