Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!
Also bear in mind that SAGA will insure over "FIFTIES".
I switched to Saga this year when my renewal jumped to nearly £600 and Saga charged £266 full comp.Worth a try

Jim Anderson
1886 300Tdi auto(Jap reimport)
I've tried everyware I cant get any cheaper insurance than NFU, some stupid company's are quoting £900, were are they getting their figuers from, some one with my driving record should be paying £200 max, one guy said when I told him my renewell quote he said I should snap there hands off. These company's are making fortunes, and the law says we have to have it, its a licence to print money, I wouldnt usualy say this (see my signature) but instead of the government using big business to fill there own personal cofers were they have there own investments, they should start a public owned insurance service linked to the road fund licence so more dodgers would be caught, and it will be a lot cheaper because after the initial set up it will cost very little to run compared to the private sector, if it was set up as a self financing organisasion there will be no greedy share holders.
I was a NFU agent for over 20 years and am still very supportive of the company. They aren't Brokers, you are dealing direct with a mutual company and, yes, rates can appear expensive at times. Then again, plenty of people are prepared to spend a lot more for what they perceive to be premium brands of cars, you tend to get what you pay for. My advice was always to deal with a well known Insurer, avoid the ones you haven't heard of before.

NFU has topped the Auto Express magazine survey of insurers for the past 4 years. From memory, SAGA also came out well.

People don't always realise differences in cover. Business use, hidden excesses, limits on windscreen cover, all important issues. Some companies deal with vehicle theft very differently to others, you don't need the worry if you are in that position.

When the claim comes, I know from experience where I want to be insured, you can deal with a local Office and, in general, no one will serve you better. It wasn't always perfect by any means, we had our problems, but used to hear some dreadful stories from time to time about other companies.

My insurance is due soon and I know there there have been increases so I'll probably be complaining also.
I just spent ages shopping round. NFU were a bit pricey, Admiral & Adrian Flux cheapest.

Going to give the business to Admiral tho...
Renewed mine in Jan through Lancaster, insurance is with highway which is part of LV. Full comp, no no claims as its an addational motor, 5000 miles per year £ 50 excess, 4x4 off road cover all for £222.53 WELL PLEASED.
same as above was nfu went from 536 quid for two cars to over a grand,,now with lancaster for discovery and aa for our lasses motor less than £400 for both,
you just get spanked if you're under 25. frank pickles, footman james & many more wont touch till you're over 25. lancaster quoted me £9k! 23, 4 yrs no claim no accidents. so i get screwed because of all the idiots who cant drive, or think they can drive like the stig, but cant
They are the worst company i have ever had the pleasure of dealing with.
Give fantastic cheap quotes, but as soon as you make amendments, ie change vehicle or move house etc then your premiums shoot up to the most ridiculous levels.
Ours went up by over £700 because we moved 4 miles away!
Went back to NFU, you get what you pay for...They're the john lewis of insurance in my opinion..always polite and helpfull, dont charge for amendments, pay your claims, and only costs an extra couple of pounds to pay on instalments, best of all there
call centres are in Glasgow.
Admiral have call centres in wales for new customers, but as soon as you make a claim you get call centres in India whoes staff will drive you around the bend!
Be warned.
I swapped over to NFU this year !.

They were £ 30 more than Churchill, ( £ 380 up to £ 410 ), but when you look closer at the policy details, I was getting a lot more with NFU.
Things like legal expenses cover, protected NCB, £ 1000 trailer cover and best of all, roadside assistance enabling me to knock the AA on the head @ £ 167 a year !.

All this on top of the fact, that if you actually need to make a claim, they make it as easy as possible, and its with someone from your local office. ( the lovely Anna in my case !! ).

I swapped over to NFU this year
i was with them from i was 17 untill they near as anything doubled my quote last year. i phoned to ask why, as all was clean, i always payed cash up front, the lot. i was told it was because i was a young driver, im 28, told them id been with them for goin on 11 years and they said, yes we can see that, and yes we know your 28, but your still too young a driver. :mad:
Im really getting it now,had three claims in the last 3 years,one was bull**** - a holidaymaker who claimes for a smudge on his paint,recent one was a stitch up that I got done for,£500 and 7 points for an accident that I didnt have.Bloody junkie scum had six witnesses.Who all placed me somewhere 2 hours before I was there....and there was no one around when I actually WAS at the scene.

So,£750 a year on each vehicle,going up cos of the points.Been with NFU since forever,all the farm stuff is.Its important to have an office you can visit and people you can talk to if it comes to claiming,otherwise its a nightmare.Even so,beware of the accident assessor.I have learned,since a bad experience with my ES and a bloke who has issues with my father that you can refuse an appointed assesor and ask for another one.I think that if you CHOOSE your own you have to pay and the insurers will get their own anyway,so thats not really an option.

I really couldnt believe the magistrates...a clean licence,never a single point,and they ruined me all because I didnt report to the police soon enough.

Insurance is a bloody minefield,a game with no winners.All this govt bollocks about forcing people to use less road vehicles....what about us in the country who have no option?The disabled?Carers for the disabled?It gives the insurance companies a free hand to shaft if they needed help.

rant over ! ;);)

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