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New Member
So lads, just wondering never been insured before on anything (apart from my BRCA)

So how much do you have to declair to the insurance company isit every last mortal thing or does it just go on proformance?

If you know it has something different from standard or if you add anything from standard declare it, some things will be ignored, some won't depending on the the insurance company, but for sure if you don't tell them and need to claim they'll void your insurance.
Everything, coz if your in a serious bump and you haven't - you're in bother.

I cant understand why loads of folk shy away from this, we are quick enough to tell them about alarms, lock nuts and all that stuff but when I comes to everything else we try to avoid declaration.

If one of the mods was stolen from your vehicle and it had been declared then surely you would stand a better chance of the insurance company replacing like for like.

Its not difficult for them to check the way the vehicle left the factory anyway.
ahh, no i was just wondering thats all, i was just thinking that it is a proformance thing so they only want to know how it proforms, or wether you declair everything because your landy can be a theif magnet

any thing which makes your vehicle more likely to be involved in an accident or more attractive to thieves needs to be declared.

if you declare something which is irrelevant, they'll just ignore it. If you don't declare something which is, null and void.

as an example, on one of my policies direct line were only concerned if a performance modification added more than 10% to the power output of the engine.

non-standard alloy wheels could be argued to make it more desirable, or fitting alloys instead of steel, if it left the factory with steel and so on

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