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Some of us are ok...£140 fully comp with breakdown, full ncb...but i drive a tortoise! Be interested to see how much it will be after i do the 200 conversion...hmm..
Try to write in your details in somewhere like gocompare, with a fresh licence.
Have already got the car?
Blimey, you lot have cheered me up, I thought €403 full comp with breakdown recovery and unlimited Europe wide use was expensive here in France. Not so bad after all.

Yeah Like I said t'other week Data .... Cheap Ins but NO FISH & CHIPS!!!

No contest .... can't live wivout me Fish & chips (Wiv Mushy peas as well!!!)
im 23 now and paying 300quid fully comp on my rrc 200tdi 1994. i woulod say i havent got it too bad! when i started driving i had a 1980 seris III 2.25 Luckily i had done the 'pass plus' course which in fact saved me a grand on insurance! I got cover on the landy for £1000 third party fire and theft and just built up my no claims from there. a nasty hit but had to start somewhere. wouodnt like to think what it wud be on a 3.9, go for somthing smaller, or like a few others have said just phone around using details from autotrader or something! good luck ;)
Blimey, you lot have cheered me up, I thought €403 full comp with breakdown recovery and unlimited Europe wide use was expensive here in France. Not so bad after all.

blimey, datatek ive just realised your near Poitiers, where abouts exactly?? ive just bought over a p38 2000 dse and changed it to english registration (which wasnt the easiest thing in the world!) im down further south not far off there, Sauze-Vaussais? near Melle? i go there about 3 times a year. lovely place!
well im paying 2600 with 1year no claims im 21 but ive got 3 points and a DD ban of 20 months.

My insurance is up for renewal in may an its going to drop to 1400 cant wait!lol

Mines the 4.6V8 tho so...
blimey, datatek ive just realised your near Poitiers, where abouts exactly?? ive just bought over a p38 2000 dse and changed it to english registration (which wasnt the easiest thing in the world!) im down further south not far off there, Sauze-Vaussais? near Melle? i go there about 3 times a year. lovely place!

I'm at 86190 Latille, you can find it on I know Sauze-Vaussais vaguely, I stayed near there when I was looking for property.
Tis a great life here:D:D:D

What on earth were you doing buying a P38 over here? In my experience theyy are nearly twice the price here with astronomical mileage. Or maybe it's RHD originally from the UK. I bought mine in the UK and registered it here, very simple to do.
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I'm at 86190 Latille, you can find it on I know Sauze-Vaussais vaguely, I stayed near there when I was looking for property.
Tis a great life here:D:D:D

Ohh I will be passing through on my hols in July - starting near Redon, then going East of Bordeaux, shame I will only have the Hippo, the Rangie is LPG and can't go on the Eurotunnel :mad:
haha magictiny, guted! I did wonder why they had all these warnings about lpg on their website! now i know you cant travel if you do!I have only just started using the eurotunnel, cant believe how much better it is than the ferries.

wow datatek your not far at all....and so close to futuroscope!!haha. Ahh see, I didnt actually buy it in france, this is where it gets good, we actually bought it in Germany, and then brought it down to france and got it french registered there where it lived for a few years. Now it has returned to the UK and FINALLY been allocated a uk reg! and yes it is left hand drive, and still going strong!

oh and getting back to the thread, my insurance on a 2.5 dse yr 2000 p38 is 400 odd quid.

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