Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


New Member
Hey guys,

just wondering, when I pass my driving test, how much will it cost to be insured on a RRC 1993 3.9? I've heard that they are group 10, and I can get it on classic car insurance, but can't find out the cost as I'm not 17 yet. BTW im a male :)
The insurance premium is highly likely to be greater than the value of the RR...
:hysterically_laughi under 25 and new driver, the premium will be like Hitler's gas bill
Could alway's drive one of these:bolt::behindsofa:

take it from me im 18 years ncd and i pay 1850 on a 90 200 tdi

for a rangey v8 id expect at least 4000-5000

make up a quote tell them your 17 just passed find out how much??
300.00 for full comp 1995 P38 2.5 DT full no claims and I'm 50+.......

Start saving you'll be able to afford it for your 25th birthday.......
300.00 for full comp 1995 P38 2.5 DT full no claims and I'm 50+.......

Start saving you'll be able to afford it for your 25th birthday.......

Mines £163.55 on a 1996 4.6 HSE Fully Comp with AA cover fer EVERYTHING , I'm 53 (The AA cover is worth £120 at least!!!)
Mines £163.55 on a 1996 4.6 HSE Fully Comp with AA cover fer EVERYTHING , I'm 53 (The AA cover is worth £120 at least!!!)

You don't live 25 miles from that blot on the landscape called London, where unless things are bolted down and have a 24 hour armed guard they go walkie's.....but l must have a look around for a cheaper quote next time....who are you with HC????
You don't live 25 miles from that blot on the landscape called London, where unless things are bolted down and have a 24 hour armed guard they go walkie's.....but l must have a look around for a cheaper quote next time....who are you with HC????

Peter Best Ins Services ...(Insured as a "Classic Car") & Live bout 6 miles North of Blackpool

Oh! if you ring em they'll ask you "Are you a member of a Club" ..To which my answer was YES "The LR Club" & "Landyzone"

Then they'll ask fer membership number (& As we aint got one I just said me birthday )

When the policy came thru it stated I was a club member with my number on it (310756)

Hey guys,

just wondering, when I pass my driving test, how much will it cost to be insured on a RRC 1993 3.9? I've heard that they are group 10, and I can get it on classic car insurance, but can't find out the cost as I'm not 17 yet. BTW im a male :)
you wont get insurance.Soz.
You won't get classic insurance - it has restrictions like it needs to be not the main car (ie you have another car for day-to-day use), limited mileage, and most of all it will have an age restriction. No doubt some companies will do it for the only car, unlimited miles and no age restrictions but it won't be the bargain prices (relatively) that classic insurance can be. I could tell you my story about how I insured a Golf GTI for £8 on classic insurance if you want (in 2008, too).

Best bet is to search around and get as many quotes as possibe, try them all, try specialist insurers out the back of classic car mags, performance car mags, etc etc. Endsleigh and Adrian Flux are 2 which spring to mind for younger drivers but I'm sure there's others out there.
Blimey, you lot have cheered me up, I thought €403 full comp with breakdown recovery and unlimited Europe wide use was expensive here in France. Not so bad after all.

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