Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!

How many times do i have to say it???

Ring your local office!

Coz they are crap - i rang them - they took 3 weeks to come back with a "cant insure - its modified" - by which time AFlux had quoted and sent me the insurance policy. Waste of time - at least around here.

How many times do i have to say it???

Ring your local office!

i done just that !!! when i wanted to insure my disco on commercial insurance my local orifice of the nfu said they wont take on any new clients unless you have dealings with them before !! dont make sence to me !!!
Both my local orrifices couldn't give a monkeys if it was modified, imported or actually a motorcycle!
Luck of the draw i suppose
Both my local orrifices couldn't give a monkeys if it was modified, imported or actually a motorcycle!
Luck of the draw i suppose

Nor could mine ;) They only care about engine and suspension mods... And even then they only want a few more pennies and my dad has had 2 crashes and within 2 days we had a coursity car on both occasions and there was no fuss. Also my dad gets a % back each your because if you buy insurance you get a share in the company, That is why they are better... No shareholders to keep happy ;)
peter best insurance are good they specialise in that type of vehicle number can be found on google of any lr mag they are in maldon :D

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