
Well-Known Member
Just got a quick insurance quote for the S3 I'm thinking of getting - apparently it is classed as a van, lovely.

Keeping all details identical, apart from the type of cover

Third party only = 650 ish
Fully comp = 220 ish

Have you tried heritage ? Got fully comp for the 2a with limited mileage and a free tracker thrown in for £85 :)
It's classified as a light goods vehicle. Try classic insurance brokers I pay £89.00 for third party.
The Adrian flux quotes seem promising. I'll look into it more carefully if I end up buying it. How much is tax on the 2.3 petrol S3?

I insure my series 1 and my lightweight through hagerty £110 fully comp to insure both allowed 3500miles a year each when I only insured the series 1 it was £80
found a good price for the insurance just short of 100 pounds via footmanjames fully comp. Not bad at all considering I'm 27.
Tesco tried to let me have their insurance for £1400 fully comp, nope not having it! Suffice to say I'm no longer insured through tesco lol..

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