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I'm not a fan of vista, I had an XP laptop which I sold as I don't need two, then I found out the software for the LPG ECU doesn't work on vista and only works on XP! what a twot I am.....

dual boot it Tweets - that'l sort yo problem.
yes i have but its slow ..... easy to set up tho which is good for me .

i'm going to take it to work next week and see if it'll work in me wagon .....

When you open the programme for your dongle, look for the signal bars, same as the signal bars on your mobile screen, the more bars you get the faster the connection, I can't remember how the '3' software looks but if it says '3G' then all the better, and the more bars you get with '3G' then better still

Me and me sis bought a T-Mobile dongle which has HSDPA, which is faster yet than '3G', in the middle of a campsite miles outside of Rugby we had a full HSDPA signal and were getting a 3.2mb connection, 1mb faster than me Talk Talk connection in me flat in the centre of Aberdeen! yet when we ventured into Rugby we were reduced to 3G :(

So if you got a weak signal, try moving out of the way of tall buildings/trees etc and see if that improves things
basically yu load XP on the same machine.. then when yu boot up it asks wot operating system yu want.

Back it up before you try - just in case!!

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