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one life live it

New Member
hi there just a general enquiry bout my insurance renewal.had my renewal this morning im insured with adrian flux for my lpg v8 disco.last year i paid £288 fully comp . had mr renewal this morning £339.00. considering ive made no claim i think a £50 rise on my premium seems a bit high even considering how inflation and the economy is . has any 1 else recently had a renewal notice or has any 1 renewed if so whats the diffrence between your policy cost this year and last?this is just a saturday morning rant as im fed up being robbed in this country lol . any feed back would be appreciated . just had a quote off esure for £288.29 with a few extra benefits i dont seem to have with adrian flux so looks like they will get my buisness this year :mad:
Never take the first renewal quote your offered, phone them up and complain it's rised and you can get a better policy elsewhere and explain what extras your getting for less money too
Hmmm, running lean is the general opinion of the LR/LPG specialist, trick is now to find someone who knows about my LPG system to tune it up

Fit like i'day? means, hows you today? in the local country bumpkin language spoke out in Aberdeenshire....
The general reply is "nae bad min" which means ok or "aye chaffin awa min" which means generally working away...
Hmmm, running lean is the general opinion of the LR/LPG specialist, trick is now to find someone who knows about my LPG system to tune it up

Fit like i'day? means, hows you today? in the local country bumpkin language spoke out in Aberdeenshire....

lpg puts me off buying a v8 , i could'nt run one without it but it seems to be trouble ..

" fit like i'day " never heard that before ....

i'm good thanks now i got me P.C sorted ..... bastid things ....:mad:
So am I, been up here since I was 9 and I'm 27 now and still considerd a newcomer to the village,

Yeah, LPG can give trouble

Did you get a laptop then?

Poor guy, we have hijacked his fred
my brother lives up in oban and i think he considers himself scottish now , been up there since he was ten ....

yes got a laptop , its got vista on it and its a bit strange but easy to set up .....
I'm not a fan of vista, I had an XP laptop which I sold as I don't need two, then I found out the software for the LPG ECU doesn't work on vista and only works on XP! what a twot I am.....
I'm not a fan of vista..

never used vista before only xp on me pc ......

does vista have problems then ??? it seems ok for now but i'm sure i'll find somethin to moan about .... only had it a few days tho so its early yet ....
Have yer tried taking yer dongle out in public yet and playin with it??

yes i have but its slow ..... easy to set up tho which is good for me .

i'm going to take it to work next week and see if it'll work in me wagon .....
vista is ****e but lpg is gr8 lol . never had a problem with my lpg and a service a year to keep it tip top most certainly offsets the savings ya make at 50p a litre .:D
:rolleyes: to complicated for a munta like me lol . gimme xp any day . down to personal choice i spose

strange thing is i'm finding it easier upto now , i'm just pluggin stuff in and its workin ... no doubt i'll come a cropper at some point tho ......

i did'nt even know it had web cam till someone told me .....:eek:

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