
Well-Known Member
So I started looking again at insurance quotes for the landy as I remembered that a second car can't have NCB on, I have a look online and the cheapest comes up as flux direct, £53 P.A fully comp and they give mirrored ncb. Nice I thinks, have a bit of that!

Ring up to arrange, ask general questions and they ask me all the same details I had entered online after I quoted the reference number. In the mean time, I have a gander for reviews on the interweb, bad, bad, bad. Half way through the phone call I start having second thoughts. He did it for me, apparently my landy is a commercial vehicle as it is a 3 seater and apparently I told them it was a saloon...... OK...

So with those facts the price swiftly jumped up to £900....

BTW from the reviews, stay away from flux direct, too dodgy IMHO!
You must have to admit £53 fully covered sounds way to good to be true

Oh yeah but, It was worth a tickle. Hence why i looked at reviews. The next best was £200, I'd obviously rather pay that for a "reputable" company.
So I started looking again at insurance quotes for the landy as I remembered that a second car can't have NCB on, I have a look online and the cheapest comes up as flux direct, £53 P.A fully comp and they give mirrored ncb. Nice I thinks, have a bit of that!

Ring up to arrange, ask general questions and they ask me all the same details I had entered online after I quoted the reference number. In the mean time, I have a gander for reviews on the interweb, bad, bad, bad. Half way through the phone call I start having second thoughts. He did it for me, apparently my landy is a commercial vehicle as it is a 3 seater and apparently I told them it was a saloon...... OK...

So with those facts the price swiftly jumped up to £900....

BTW from the reviews, stay away from flux direct, too dodgy IMHO!

Hi Monkfish

Sorry to hear about your experience if you would like to DM me with the refference number I can speak to Flux direct and see if I can help.


Richard (The new flux forum guy)
Richard thank you for the offer but after reading the reviews, already being messed about by them I'm not going to go with them.

Scarecrow, thanks for that, I will try them a bit later.
Oh and I'm guessing Adrian flux and flux direct are linked?

If so, until Poppy's insurance gets sorted out, I won't touch flux with a barge pole.
I've used these guys for the past 2 years. First time round had no no claims on a 98 300tdi disco, all mods, off road cover, green laneing £50 excess all for £280.. Was the cheapest by far!! This year lest than £200:D!!

This year i checked out 3 other companies who claim to do hybrid vehicles and got no where , so i stuck with these,
4 years now
collect from Dumfries area.. Cheers .


(Im trying to sound young and with it ) :D
Something I have just found. Your insurance will charge about £30 for legal cover. Try googling "motor legal cover" and you will find you can get it way cheaper!
Hi Monkfish

Sorry to hear about your experience if you would like to DM me with the refference number I can speak to Flux direct and see if I can help.


Richard (The new flux forum guy)

PM you mean, if Flux were as keen at sorting out non fault claims as getting the money in- people would be more likely to recommend Flux.

So will it be Dave/Paul or someone else next week?

Hopefully Flux will get a kick up arse from insurance ombudsmen soon-watch this space as Flux have appalling record with regular forum members.
Something I have just found. Your insurance will charge about £30 for legal cover. Try googling "motor legal cover" and you will find you can get it way cheaper!

Yes my breakdown cover has built in legal cover so it knocked About £30 off me landy insurance

I left my separate car insurance as is

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