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could i get insurance by getting my dad (who has like 30 years no claims) to open a new policy for my landy and putting me down as a named driver?

does the landy have to be registered with dvla under my dads name?
yes you could. But in the event of a claim the insurance MAY try to use it to wriggle out. Unlikely though.

Most insurance require the policy holder to be the registered keeper - ask them, as its up to them.
Yes most insurance companies insist that the main driver is also the registered keeper.

If you wanted to be the named driver you would have to register the landy in someone else's name. If you want to build up a noclaims bonus. buy a cheap small engined car and stick it at the end of the drive and leave it there. No chance of an accident and therefore no need to make a claim.
I haven't had any trouble at all, take care and don't crash your landy, dont claim and keep quiet about who drives what.

My dad is the registered keeper of my car, he's gonna sign it over to me when my insurance goes down seeing as I paid for it.
Yes most insurance companies insist that the main driver is also the registered keeper.

If you wanted to be the named driver you would have to register the landy in someone else's name. If you want to build up a noclaims bonus. buy a cheap small engined car and stick it at the end of the drive and leave it there. No chance of an accident and therefore no need to make a claim.

well direct line let named drivers keep there own no claims bonus but its only recognised by direct line...
I haven't had any trouble at all, take care and don't crash your landy, dont claim and keep quiet about who drives what.

My dad is the registered keeper of my car, he's gonna sign it over to me when my insurance goes down seeing as I paid for it.

thanks for the help, im just gonna get my dad to drive it abit every week just to keep it all good and legal, just in case.

what landy have you got?
one last question. do you think my dad will be able to have 2 seperate insurance policys with 2 different companies ??
i have a landy 90 a brand new xtrail and a t5 transporter van all insured with different only advice would be do not hide anything or try and be economic with the truth with any insurance the unfortunate event of an accident they will try and use any bit of information however small to try and get out of paying up,i have declared every single modification and upgrade on me 90 and still only costs for me and another named driver £98 tpft a year
i was always told by an insurance asser i know that the main driver has to drive the most, some use percentages of time as much as 80% main driver 20% named driver,

As they have the money and you have to get it from them if you need to clam it is down to you to prove you are not using it more than the main driver.

This plus building my NCB made me get my own, but i know lots of people that have done what your suggesting and had no problems.

over 12 yrs no claims..mods are..2"lift 32" tyres,winch and bumper ,snorkel,roofbar and lights front abar and lights,200 tdi conversion,side exit exhaust,bulkhead removed, all that for £98 a year for two people insured with lancaster insurance
i was always told by an insurance asser i know that the main driver has to drive the most, some use percentages of time as much as 80% main driver 20% named driver,

As they have the money and you have to get it from them if you need to clam it is down to you to prove you are not using it more than the main driver.

This plus building my NCB made me get my own, but i know lots of people that have done what your suggesting and had no problems.


does anyone know an insurer that will do this because im 17, direct line wont let me be a named driver with my dad.
Direct line used to, but for young drivers all the insurance company change there minds every day.

My friend work for the AA so i would think thats a no go although they may have changed there policy.

I think you need to look around for young driver specilist insurers or as goonarmy said landy specilists.

one last question. do you think my dad will be able to have 2 seperate insurance policys with 2 different companies ??

if the insurance is for the same car then no, if how ever your old man has his own car then yes. you can have a hundred cars and a policey on each and every one of them. the insurance covers the car it is taken out on and named drivers. :cool:
tindall at 17 have you passed yr test or still provisional?
a frkiend of mines son had a £300 ford fiesta when he was learning to drive his insurance was a massive £1150 tpft when he passed his test it went upto/£1500 when he asked why the excuse was that as he didnt have an experienced driver with him he was now more of a risk.i would say at 17 you are gonna find it difficult to get insurance on any landy unless you have pockets full of wonga
Even landy specialists were dodgy with me cause I'm so damned young.

Most companies claim not to offer no claims on named drivers but you'll find they'll lower your quote the same after a year anyways.

Sometimes companies with which you are a named driver will issue a letter saying you have made no claims on that policy even if they say they dont offer no claims on named drivers which helps should you change providers.

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