Hi folks, this my first post on here other than in the Intro section of the forum ;)

I'm currently looking at buying my first Landie, and I'm starting to wonder about insurance for it. I'm looking at one on Sunday that is a 1988 Pickup 90, with a 300TDi retrofitted into it.

Does anyone know who would be the best companies to approach for insurance quotes for it? Because its a pickup (so I'm guessing its classed as a comercial vehicle) and because of the engine conversion, I'm guessing most of the main insurers won't be intrested, so if you have any suggestion on who to approach I'd appreciate it. I'm thinking the NFU might be a good start, and also Adrian Flux. Anyone else worth getting quotes from? It'll be on a limited miles policy (around 3k miles per year I think will be fine), and it will be used off road though I don't really care about insurance for when it isn't on public roads.
Don't tell them its had engine conversion, when I insured my 90, which has been retro fitted with a 2.5D (was 2.5 P), when they asked me about the details, I said it was a 1990, 90, 2.5D, white... no more questions asked, you are telling them the truth, as that is the engine in it, and no one is any the wiser to what WAS in it.

Make sure the V5 has been changed to Diesel, so it all matches up.
It think it was a TD originally rather than a petrol. Would that make any difference? I'll find out exactly what it was changed from on Sunday when I speak to the guy, but I'm fairly certain it was a diesel on the V5 to begin with and still is, just a newer diesel :D
Thats not an issue, it is a land rover engine, so they will be able to pull a 90 up with a 2.5TD, if its a 300TDI then its still in terms of paperwork a 2.5TD anyway... as the V5 won't say what type of 2.5TD.
My 1988 2.5TD is now a V8EFi with Rangie running gear. It says so on the V5, but only Land Rover direct gave me a decent quote, until I flicked through LRM.

Cheapest quote I got from the specialist firms in there was £230 fully comp from SureTerm Direct. Guess who I went with...
The various LR magazines are packed with adverts for specialist insurance firms, give half a dozen of them a ring.

Personally I have never held anything back from an insurance company because when it comes to claim time (your fault or not) they will try to find a way out of it (been there).
I informed them of my upgrade from 2.5NA D to 300TDi and it didn't make any significant difference to the premium, I just had to pay £15 for the agreed value to be increased due to the cost of the new engine.
I am a bit older than you but N F U insured my 1997 pick up with no problem full business use £ 170,00. Good luck
Hi, I have recently bought a 1988 LR 90 and rung a company called Snowball Insurance (Advertised in one of the main LR mags)

My landy has a Ford V6 and varies other MODS, It cost me £180 and They were not interested in the MODS and also any further MODS i may carry out.

It also covers me for green laning and other off roading pursuits.

Hope this helps
OK, well I'm all sorted now. NFU were very expensive for me, £350 :eek: Having chatted with the woman, we concluded it was down to my age (I'm only 26) and location (in the suburbs of Bath, and kept on the road) that was causing the high price. Anyway, after trawling through several companies in the back of LRO I've now got insurance for £215 through Adrian Flux with Highway Insurance, with all mods declared and an agreed value. There were a few other companies that were coming close, Firebond was close (and only £130 had I kept it on the drive) as were a couple of others. Just got to take some photos of it when it arrives now and fill out some forms to get the agreed value sorted.
ALWAYS offer info on any Mods. Some companies are grown up about it and realise that a Landy is a Lego kit that just begs to be modded, but I do know of someone who put alloys on a fiesta. after writing it off on a wet corner they didn't GET A PENNY once the insurers saw the alloys.........
Hi, I went through Sureterm and ended up with Highways. My 90 is a 2.8TD, with various mods. £190 third p f&t and i'm 22. Its a second vehicle so i got a reasonable price. If you have a car as well make sure you tell them that. Big diffrence, well for me any way. Cheers.
Yeah, I did tell them about the other car (and the one claim I'd made on that policy because of some idiot who hit my car while it was parked, and didn't leave any details :rolleyes: ). Its fully comp insurance as well, OK, it's not like I'm going to be claiming if I have a little bump, but nice to have just in case ;)
I got a good deal with Lancaster.

Will find out how good they are soon, as I'm sorting out a claim after a LHD artic cut me up. One body shop (large co also happens to be a Landy dealer) has quoted £4000 for the repairs...

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