
Active Member
well i have many extra days this summer to work and get money as i am just finnishing my GCSE's, and with my 17th birthday in november i am thinking about the feasability of getting my first land rover :D.

if i get a land rover newer than a series 3 say an early disco or ideally a tdi 90 then which body style is going to give my the cheapest insurance (3rd party)? or is it not going to make a diference and be in the thousands? :confused:

sorry its come up again but i did search and didnt find what i was looking for! thanks in advance :)
well i have many extra days this summer to work and get money as i am just finnishing my GCSE's, and with my 17th birthday in november i am thinking about the feasability of getting my first land rover :D.

if i get a land rover newer than a series 3 say an early disco or ideally a tdi 90 then which body style is going to give my the cheapest insurance (3rd party)? or is it not going to make a diference and be in the thousands? :confused:

sorry its come up again but i did search and didnt find what i was looking for! thanks in advance :)

I am also 17 and been learning for a few months.

Fortunately my mum (and Dad) are on direct line. I can be a named driver and earn my own no claims discount on this policy. It worked out as £900 for a brand new full liscence driver, on a Defender 90 from about 1985. This is fraud however if you use the car more than the main driver, which in my case is fine as my dad will use it more than I will. ;)


ah brilliant :D someone in almost the same situation as me....apart from i havent started learning yet. :( did the body style affect the premium at all?
one problem, i would probably be using it more than my mum or dad would so unless i want to be fraudilent then i have to be the main driver :(
ah brilliant :D someone in almost the same situation as me....apart from i havent started learning yet. :( did the body style affect the premium at all?
one problem, i would probably be using it more than my mum or dad would :(

Not sure about body style I only tried a few defenders from 1980's (they were different engine sizes)

Just try experimenting with their online quote systems.

You could try adding your mum and dad as a named driver to your insurance, that may reduce it, but I had a quote for £3600 on my own policy on a 200TDI Defender, that cost £2000 :D:rolleyes: even with my dad on it, who is a policeman :eek:
ok :). i shal have a play around with the online quote thingies, has direct-line got one? any others you tried?

do you (or anyone else) know of any landy specialist insurance that have new drivers?? 'coz some dont :(
I'm 18 passed my test in Dec 05 no no claims and have had an small accident in my old fiesta in Jan 06 (I was insured in my mums name at the time).

Taking this into account my 1987 90 TPFT is just over £1400 from admiral, in my name. i think it costs about £10 more per year for a 200tdi 90.

i wouldnt worry to much about putting it in ur parents name, everybody does it and there is no way they can prove that you drive the car more than the policy holder.

i owned an early 200tdi discovery for a couple of months my insurance for that was nearly £2500.

one other tip get your mum or dad to take out an interest free credit card and pay for the insurance on that, thats what i did otherwise if you pay monthly you end up paying an extra few hundred ££££ in interest charges.

one last tip, as i am thinking of getting a 2nd car i have been doin insurance quotes for bmw 318i and quoted me at just over £2k but simply by putting my mum and her bf on as named drivers even though i am still the policy holder the price went down to £1500.
Im 21, had my first landrover at about 18, Cheapest insurance i ever had mate,
Oh by the way landrover are highly addictive, IM on my third now!
ahh brilliant guys, lots of useful info to chew on :D yes i know they are addictive thats why i love them :D

if u find anything else out through experience then i would be very grateful!
I'm 17 and want a landy too, was gonna get one as my first car but ended up getting a corsa as insurance costs would be high and fuel would be costing me a lot driving to college each day. More than likely gonna wait until i get a years no claims, or close to getting it, then buy a 90 200 tdi as that will prob only cost about £800 on my own policy tpft and should have hopefully found some one who will employ me so i have the money for the extra fuel. But i'm soo impatient so the wait is killing me, I HATE driving a small car as have no road presence and it no fun to drive!
would a Q red make any differnence to the price of insurance? would a landy specialist be more happy insuring a Q reg?

(just thinking out loud, as i been looking at 90s on the 'bay.)
For some reason insurance companies don't like Q plates. Don't see what difference it makes meself.
thing wi Q plates is yer can never tell where the parts used to build the vehicle originate.
I knew a bloke who had his landy taken off him by the plod after a roadside stop. they reconed it wer built using stolen parts.
As if that dint wind him up enough, three month later he saw his landy back on the road, Driven by a coppers wife, who just happend to have bought it at a police auction .
bastid eh !.
be careful saying your car is garaged at night. If it gets damaged on the road or on the drive overnight, or stolen, the insurance co will give it bollocks 'cos you said it would be in the garage. and it wasn't. Then they send the claim assessor round and he asks to look in the garage and it's full of crap, like fridges and freezers and other peoples cars. End of claim.
so probs best to stick clear of Q then! well there is no way a landy would fit in our garage, too full o' crap and various junk!

they reconed it wer built using stolen parts.
this is the problem with land rovers, too easy to take apart and sell. is there not any portection for people that buy parts legitimately but then find out they originate from a stolen vehicle? ie if you were going to build one from scratch?
£3600 to insure a landy? ffs. Talk with an irish accent, dont pay road tax, run on red diesel and buy a battered caravan... it's cheaper.
it struck me this morning why so many yound drivers are killed....its coz the only cheeper insurance is for small rust bangers, the ones with no safety features! ...and i got a J reg fiesta :( :( . wish i had the money to insure me in a 90 :(
thing wi Q plates is yer can never tell where the parts used to build the vehicle originate.
I knew a bloke who had his landy taken off him by the plod after a roadside stop. they reconed it wer built using stolen parts.
As if that dint wind him up enough, three month later he saw his landy back on the road, Driven by a coppers wife, who just happend to have bought it at a police auction .
bastid eh !.

That i totally legal if you don't do anything about it for 3 months, it then becomes the police/ officers property, thats how i got my first phone, Phillips Savy ohhh yeah ;)
it struck me this morning why so many yound drivers are killed....its coz the only cheeper insurance is for small rust bangers, the ones with no safety features! ...and i got a J reg fiesta :( :( . wish i had the money to insure me in a 90 :(

i Was worried about that, but then I looked a t a defenders NCAP rating. Oh wait, they haven't tested one :eek:

How safe are the rear seats? I mean if you crash, the passengers are facing sideways, thats surely gonna do more damage? banged heads, broken ribs e.t.c, due to the sideways movement?:confused:

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