
Active Member
I usually use a comparison website to find the most competitive insurance quote.
Last year i insured my p38 through Admiral,but this year the renewal was £260 fully comp. It was under £200 the year before.
So i phoned Admiral and told them that the comparison website had come up with 2 quotes below £200 and they said they couldn't drop any more :(
So i told them i wouldn't be renewing with them, and i took the rangey off the road for the last month :(
Anyway today i done a new search and got a best quote of £195 fully comp :)
And the name of the company saving me £65, Admiral !!!!!
Yes the same people who on the phone couldn't knock anything off,but a month later they can by 65 quid :confused:
Well ive paid smart like before they change their minds ;)
It may be a gas guzzling monster with more moods than a woman with pmt,but ive missed driving it :D
I've been with Admiral for a few years now but every year they send me a silly renewal figure. However i happen to know that Admiral own;, Diamond Insurance, Elephant Insurance & Bell Insurance so I have an evening on the keyboard getting them to quote against each other then I phone Admiral with the best result. Every year I've paid about two thirds of their renewal figure and less than the previous year.
I've been with Admiral for a few years now but every year they send me a silly renewal figure. However i happen to know that Admiral own;, Diamond Insurance, Elephant Insurance & Bell Insurance so I have an evening on the keyboard getting them to quote against each other then I phone Admiral with the best result. Every year I've paid about two thirds of their renewal figure and less than the previous year.

Good to know for next year :D
I filled out an online comparison thing last year: heavily modified V8 Land Rover Discovery, requesting insurance for a new(ish) driver. Company that came up was offering £18000 a month :p The car was worth <£1000
Just tried insuring my P38 for the first time, currently with Hastings and my previous car was a 98 Freelancer diesel. Underwriter refused to insure the P38 and when I quizzed them the reason was it was too old! Asked the call handler how old was too old and she came back with 7 years at which point in mentioned that my current vehicle insured by them was 14 years old

Anyway, long story short they want 800 notes on a new policy for the P38 and the usual cancellation fee for the Freelander, they have no chance

Best quote so far is the COOP at just under £400 inc business use
I just got a &#8364;100 rebate on last years insurance as I did less than the 20K kilometres I specified on the renewal, brought the cost down to &#8364;320 or £266 which includes Europe wide comp cover and recovery:)
Mine's coming up for renewal at the end of the month. Looks like I'll have the usual fun and games with Bell Direct, but I'm sure they'll eventually agree to match the lowest quote (usually from Admiral!) again.

It's so tedious. Why can't they just give me the best price in the first place?
I'm with first central £325 and free lost keys service I got a compair quote 2 in one day and two different prices work that one out ?and when retrieving the first quote it would only let me have the second quote the more expensive one .ps when you find a quote on a compair site try going on the proposers site your find it cheaper than the one the compair site leads you too .
Experience over the last few years has left me with the impression that the UK motor insurance industry is nothing but one big rip-off. Being retired, living in a rural location & covering less than 3k a year usually nets me a good deal (under £200 for a RRC including agreed value) in the end, but some of the crap these insurers come out with beggars belief.

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