
New Member
Hi all
I've recently got myself a '67 2a with a new 2 1/2 diesel engine and i coulnt be more happy. However, as it will be my first car and im 17 my insurance is silly money. So i was wondering if anyone could give me a recommendation as to which company to use for a cheap quote. So far on my parents no-claims ive managed to get to £518 with tesco, but thats ONLY 3rd party. If it gets nicked and burnt im screwed :( .
Any suggestions would be really appreciated. Cheers DaveO
Try www.confused.com as it goes through all the usual companies for you. You could join a land rover club and then insure with a discount through a specialist insurer like adrian flux. Tbh i dont think your quote looks bad at all for a young driver- ive only 20 so im paying through my teeth as well. good luck
I ve just turned 24 so mine is still expensive with some providers but the cheapest one by far is farmers union (NFU) they give landrover owners extra discount, for my defender 90 im paying £400 fully comp, might be worth a ring 01200429622 this is my local office but they should be able to give you the number of yours
try sureterm direct they r mainly 4 land rovers and r very good im 22 and i pay 60 a month and i dont have any no claims yet they r in land rover mags look f a rolled landy and it mite be there ad.
That is very good!!!! How much is the total bill including your parents insurance? Mine was about £1200 TPFT on a 1987 90 turbo with CIS as my own policy. That was when I was 18 so much cheaper is very impressive. Just be aware that you are not getting any no claims bonus.

Try Swinton, Adrian Flux or any classic company (Don't go to the likes of Churchill/Norwich Union)

You might find that fully comp is a few pounds more than TPFT (my Vogue SE was £20 more than TPFT for fully comp)

Also if you fit either a Cat 1 or Cat 2 alarm/imobiliser you may get a cheaper policy.

Try going for Pass Plus or IAM/RoSPA tests that will most definately bring your insurance down.

Don't know if that's any help.

Try Peter Best Insurance.
Really cheap provided that you dont do a lot of miles, and comes with free breakdown cover.
Although maybe your age may go against you!
iv got fully comp on my 2A with liverpoolvictoria for a grand, and im 17, and with all the work iv put into it i honastly think its worth it, and it is on my insurance not my pairents,

try em there really good ( www.liverpoolvictoria.co.uk)

hope it helps

hi if you was to have a look around some of the classic car insurance companys some do a good deal try peter best insurance they not bad all the best colin
Try adrian flux. They are a broker. I am 23 with 1 years no claims I just insured a series 3 2.25 petrol for £30 tpft.

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