have you tried admiral multi car? not sure if they insure 17 year olds but my lad who's now 23 (was 22 at the time of insurance) has two cars on the policy and I have my car on it, 1 is a 3.2 audio quattro £735 fully comp, 1 is his 90 £475 fully comp and my bm was £235 fully comp, my lad has 4 years no claims though and I have full no claims (although I made a claim 3 years ago on a separate policy)

so if you have anyone else in the household that has cars then it could bring your premium down.:crazy_driver:
apparenlty insurance plumets when you get to 25, still a way to go :rolleyes:
I wish this was still the case but apparently not so much these days, I was hoping my insurance would fall when I hit 25, I'm now 26 and all it has done is rise, when I enquired about this co-op told me it doesn't really make that much difference any more (I was to say the least annoyed as I was hoping for cheaper insurance considering I have been careful to keep a clean driving license and incident free.

Insurances are weird, what I found was quite bizarre was when I rang around for insurance then later popped back to one or two insurances just to confirm the details only to find the prices had changed but my details had not.. also worth running through things again and double checking as I found out some operators tend to miss certain details off the system despite you telling them about it. :confused:

Best of luck with finding a decent insurance at a decent price, I hate searching around, it gives one a headache! especially when you have to explain to some twit, in-depth what a Snorkel is :mad: at least Adrian Flux knew exactly what I was on about throughout the entire conversation :)
have you tried admiral multi car? not sure if they insure 17 year olds but my lad who's now 23 (was 22 at the time of insurance) has two cars on the policy and I have my car on it, 1 is a 3.2 audio quattro £735 fully comp, 1 is his 90 £475 fully comp and my bm was £235 fully comp, my lad has 4 years no claims though and I have full no claims (although I made a claim 3 years ago on a separate policy)

so if you have anyone else in the household that has cars then it could bring your premium down.:crazy_driver:

I agree with this we have 5 vehicles insured with admiral at the moment with my 20 year old son having 2 of these cars (honda civik ek9 and 3 door ford focus) plus our 3 4x4s and the price is saving us a bundle,although still extortionate.
And this rule they passed about insurance companies charging boys more than girls for insurance, it must have been music to insurance companies ears,as they are now able to RAISE the cost of girls insurance to match the boys, robbing bastards.
I wish this was still the case but apparently not so much these days, I was hoping my insurance would fall when I hit 25, I'm now 26 and all it has done is rise, when I enquired about this co-op told me it doesn't really make that much difference any more (I was to say the least annoyed as I was hoping for cheaper insurance considering I have been careful to keep a clean driving license and incident free.

Insurances are weird, what I found was quite bizarre was when I rang around for insurance then later popped back to one or two insurances just to confirm the details only to find the prices had changed but my details had not.. also worth running through things again and double checking as I found out some operators tend to miss certain details off the system despite you telling them about it. :confused:

Best of luck with finding a decent insurance at a decent price, I hate searching around, it gives one a headache! especially when you have to explain to some twit, in-depth what a Snorkel is :mad: at least Adrian Flux knew exactly what I was on about throughout the entire conversation :)

After reading this a part of me died :rolleyes: don't know whats going to happen now :(
I am also 17( only for another 2 days) and own a 90, 19J TD and this company, endsleigh insurnace, quoted me £3,305.08 ( to be exact :rolleyes: ) On my own policy, third party fire and theft with a £250 voluntary excess i think it was? To be honest... landys are cheep to insure on your own policy at this age when compared to various other cars on the market. But when you are just going on as a named drive they are expensive? Don't ask me how these insurance companies work out the premiums... utter madness :( Good luck insurance hunting! :)
After reading this a part of me died :rolleyes: don't know whats going to happen now :(

In my opinion it is a waste of time asking of insurance costs, as it depends on who , what and where you are in the country, I would not wish your life away and worry about insurance claims.
We bought my son a 3 door ford focus when he passed at 17 with churchills we paid 2200 for the first year with him as a named driver,after the first year he went on his own name, with his mother as named driver,same car 1700, third year he took his first years no claims with us to admiral multicar, same car 1050,he is now looking to pay this year approx 800 same car.
I know he has not got a landrover,as a matter of fact we did try last year to put him as a named driver on my discovery, but they came back with 1800,and some didnt want to know until he was 25,BUT with no claims you can see his insurance has come down a lot.
At 21 years he is now getting reasonable quotes for his age for a mitsubishi evo 8 / 9, he is a petrol head.
We live in a good area,and he can put the car away,which has a big say on what the insurance companies load your policy with.
Maybe at your age you will have to have a car to build up to a land rover, best of luck.
In my opinion it is a waste of time asking of insurance costs, as it depends on who , what and where you are in the country, I would not wish your life away and worry about insurance claims.
We bought my son a 3 door ford focus when he passed at 17 with churchills we paid 2200 for the first year with him as a named driver,after the first year he went on his own name, with his mother as named driver,same car 1700, third year he took his first years no claims with us to admiral multicar, same car 1050,he is now looking to pay this year approx 800 same car.
I know he has not got a landrover,as a matter of fact we did try last year to put him as a named driver on my discovery, but they came back with 1800,and some didnt want to know until he was 25,BUT with no claims you can see his insurance has come down a lot.
At 21 years he is now getting reasonable quotes for his age for a mitsubishi evo 8 / 9, he is a petrol head.
We live in a good area,and he can put the car away,which has a big say on what the insurance companies load your policy with.
Maybe at your age you will have to have a car to build up to a land rover, best of luck.

I can believe all this, as I said before I'm paying £1450 fully comp on my own name with 1 year ncb, which isn't too bad as some of my mates around the same age 18/19 are paying similar for 1.0 corsas and saxo's, the area I live is very rural so I think this reflects on the price, next time I want to renew (August) I think I'll search around see what I can find :)
What is quite ironic is the advert on the page now is Confused.com and Co-Op insurance :D talk about taking the **** haha
Search about go to every company under the sun one will be loads cheaper its like a lotto discos are what group 13 or something so yeh it will cost you but it will do youno harm to search every one
There are a few tips you can use to get your premiums down, Join an owners club of some sort, insurers like this. You can also join a charity 4by4 group, they just want people with 4by4 to assist with rescues etc, that is ment to help. The cheapest of the three types of cover turns out to be third party fire and theft, for some strange reason i got the same price for third party and fully comp. Some relatives of mine have found that parking their vehicle on the road rather then on a driveway has saved them about £40 on their quote. If your landy is young enough you could get the co-ops black box. My landy was too old for that :( Hope this helps! :)
Not sure if you're still looking but ive got insurance now (or sorting it out this week(tommorrow)), for £1044, thats paying monthly, annually it was £948, unfortunately I don't have the kind of cash atm so will have to pay monthly :/ Anyway, that was for a 1989 90 TD :)
Not sure if you're still looking but ive got insurance now (or sorting it out this week(tommorrow)), for £1044, thats paying monthly, annually it was £948, unfortunately I don't have the kind of cash atm so will have to pay monthly :/ Anyway, that was for a 1989 90 TD :)

Sounds horrible, but, my best mate's lad had to pay about £1.6k for his first policy on a FIAT Cincquecento (sp?) As he's written off two cars since I dread to think what is policy is now, maybe he should have got a Series, at least that would have been harder to write off :)
Sounds horrible, but, my best mate's lad had to pay about £1.6k for his first policy on a FIAT Cincquecento (sp?) As he's written off two cars since I dread to think what is policy is now, maybe he should have got a Series, at least that would have been harder to write off :)

Haha it is a lot... but for an 18 year old? considering that a 90 is a 2 ton lump of steel and ally that could cause a lot of damage. Its pretty good haha.

Friend of mine has some Hyundai thingy with a 1.1 in the front, hes on a curfew and his driving pattern is monitored with one of those black box things, £2000.... ouch. That is horrible ;)
Haha it is a lot... but for an 18 year old? considering that a 90 is a 2 ton lump of steel and ally that could cause a lot of damage. Its pretty good haha.

Friend of mine has some Hyundai thingy with a 1.1 in the front, hes on a curfew and his driving pattern is monitored with one of those black box things, £2000.... ouch. That is horrible ;)

That ^^ was my point, I think the cinquecento thing was a 1.0 engine.

I have to say I find the insurance costs for a new driver to be rather horrible, when I was 17 (30 years ago) I was paying less than a week's wages to insure a Triumph Toledo (1.3 litre, not sporty, over 10 years old and worth about £100), now the same sort of thing is costing more like 2 month's wages to insure. I find it hard to accept that the risk has increased all that much in 30 years.

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