
Active Member
My insurance is due and I'm beginning to think the spacers I have on the car are going to be a problem. Anyone know any insurance companies that don't have a problem with them? ta
My insurance is due and I'm beginning to think the spacers I have on the car are going to be a problem. Anyone know any insurance companies that don't have a problem with them? ta

I am with Halifax insurance and there ok with mods I have mods on 7 years no claims and pay 320 fully comp
Not too sure about spacers specifically, but I'm with elephant, and they were happy with my mods, £150 a year fully comp, 2 mods.
Anyone else on Agreed Value insurance?
I have it at the moment with Flux cost £200 but I was wondering how many other companies do this, its becoming a necessity for Defender owners.
Mine's agreed value with Flux - need to get it updated, must sort that soon as.
If something happens (gets written off or pinched) the insurance agree to pay you out a pre-set amount - no haggling with them. Very handy if the vehicle is modified etc

If you need help with agreed value at all please feel free to get in touch.

Kind Regards
Got insured with Adrian Flux in the end. I said I do 4000 miles a year. They asked me to tell them the mileage on the clock when the policy starts which will be 1st Feb and I gave them a figure of 50050 miles. Now they are asking for photographic evidence of the clock. They are really ****ing me off.

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