top drive

Well-Known Member
i fitted my windscreen last year in the summer.

Its now winter and ive discovered its on the 1 minute setting and its doing my dome in.

I know its programable to 1024minutes according to the blurb on paddocks.....

Do i know where the bit of paper that tells me how to do it is...... Nope.

Anyone know how you do it ? I vaguely remember holding it in till it flashes and thats programming mode, ive tried loads of different combos while it flashes - yet it still stays on only for 1 minute doh.
I bet some smart @rsĀ£ comes on here and says serves you right for fitting posh electronics to a tratter. But, I won't :rolleyes:
Sorry, mate. No idea. I did consider one when I cracked my screen trying to put it in, but I couldn't justify the cost to myself cos I'd already spent a fortune.
I've got a heated screen in my Mondeo and it's mint, but the drivers side has gone off:( A common fault which many say is caused by the wiper mechanism rubbing on the supply cable. Mine seems ok and not worn through, though the mechanism was touching it.

Is there nothing on the manufacturers website? If you email them they'll probably mail one back.
hey im as much against tech as the next guy BUT

the ability to drive and see in damp or icy conditions when the asthmatic heater cant keep up is wonderful.

trying the red bison site again on a pc rather than my phone .... lets see.
I scanned the instructions that came with my heated screen from paddocks ( with the red bison electrics ) and have attached them to this message. Hope it helps


  • redbison1.pdf
    387.9 KB · Views: 773
  • redbison3.pdf
    518.2 KB · Views: 628
thank you blizzard !

it seems doing what i remembered was resetting the system.... no wonder it was always reverting to 1 minute doh.....

big help.

The red bison site is a joke. nothing works on all the browsers i tried.
im bad enough at minding to turn the lights off....and they have great big illuminated indications that they are on :D
hey im as much against tech as the next guy BUT

the ability to drive and see in damp or icy conditions when the asthmatic heater cant keep up is wonderful.

trying the red bison site again on a pc rather than my phone .... lets see.
Ha, ha, just pulling ya leg, marra. I wish I had a heated front screen! To be honest, it's probably one of the factors that has kept me buying fords. Although, I do like the Duratec TDCi engine everyone I have had has been mint. Most manufacturers are putting heated screens in now.
Pleased you've got it sorted, mate. They do make you smile when you first get in the car this weather. :)
Bit late to the party here. But does anyone know if the microprocessor timer resets to factory default with a battery disconnect?

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