Flying Scotsman!

Active Member
Morning all.
I'm planning on changing the inlet gasket on my 1.8 at the weekend. (Signs of leaks and the coolant level slowly drops over a few days)

I've had a quick look and it seems easy enough and the access is good.
I was planning on leaving everything attached. Injectors etc etc.
Is this a good plan ? Is there anything I need to watch out for?

Thanks folks.
It’s very straightforward, virtually everything stays connected, you need to ensure you bleed the coolant properly after reassembly, also pays to check jiggle valve whilst manifold is off
Yes it's pretty straight forward - recommended you follow the removal and tightening sequence. I also seat the end 'loops' in with some red RTV sealant - just a wee smear.
Jiggle valve is in the plastic inlet manifold by the dipstick. You will see it when the IM is off. Just check that the wee ball is free to move ...

Bleeding: Motor off, heater on hot, coolant tank cap off. There are two bleed screws: lower one is on the metal coolant pipe that comes around the back of the motor and comments to the bottom rad' hose i it's in beneath the distributor if you have one!. the upper on is on the heater outlet hose by the firewall. remove these two screws and fill the cooling system.

When bubble free coolant comes out the lower bleed point refit that screw. Repeat with the upper one.

When filled to upper mark on the coolant tank put the cap back on and have a look around for leaks - especially where you have removed / replaced any pipes / hoses.

All good - then start up and let it idle - 15 - 20 mins or until fans come on... Top up as required with motor off - take care not to scald yourself.

Coolant is Red [low acid] OAT coolant
Cooling system capacity is 5.5litres. There is always some spillage / wastage so have a greater amount. You can buy it ready mixed in 5l bottles or mix your own up - 50% solution - with deionised water.
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Cheers folks.
But looks like it will be another week before i get it done because John Cradoock's can't send out an order inside a week!
Shop elsewhere in future I suppose.
Should have looked at their reviews on facebook first!

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