
Active Member
This problem I have with my td5 is really getting to me now ! To the point I'm thinking of getting rid of it.
The starting problem that only occurs when the jeep is parked at certain angles, note ! Not all the time ! If the jeep is on my drive it starts first flick of the time every time , if I park out on the road or anyw
here the jeep is parked with the front higher than the rear it seems to get air in the system and is a pure pig to start even after trying the purge !
If it was a injector seal ? Would the fault be there all the time no matter where it was parked ?
If it was the fpr ? Would the fault be there no matter what angle it's being parked in ?
Same for the in tank pump
Or the fuel pipe or an oring seal on the fuel line, the disco has recently had a new cylinder head fitted, along with, injector seals, head gasket, new camshaft, rocker shaft and other bits and bobs ! Before it went into the garage for the head work, it ran excellent and started no matter what angle it was parked .
I've heard of this when the front seal on the FIP is leaking and letting in air.
I know nowt about td5s though but you could check for fuel in the timing case maybe?
Land Rover has a soul... that's how it reacts when you call him ''jeep'' :)

if the head was changed run the purging sequence again and again and replace the air bleed valve in the filter head
Land Rover has a soul... that's how it reacts when you call him ''jeep'' :)

if the head was changed run the purging sequence again and again and replace the air bleed valve in the filter head
I have renewed the air bleed valve in the filter head, along with the fuel filter, my discovery isn't fitted with the 1 way valve in the filter head so that's been ruled out ?
It goes from bad to worse, it's been back in the garage today to get the injector seals and washers checked, bought replacement genuine parts, now 1 of the bolts that bolt the rocker shaft down has snapped, so Im taking the head off again tomorrow ! Another head gasket, head bolts, rocker bolts, injector seal and washers, oil & filter change as there's diesel in the oil .
All back together again, but was a pig to get started after building it back up ! Will see what it's like tomorrow to see if the problem has been cured.
If it isn't cured- try brimming it with fuel and keeping it pretty full and see if it manages to behave, and of the problem once again manifests itself as the fuel level drops. my td5 'fender exhibited this fault and I chased it about for about 6 weeks ( filter head valve, injector seals....twice to be sure I hadn't cocked it up, FPR......again twice as the first gasket was faulty and did not seal correctly- always use a genuine gasket!), culminating in changing the pump in the end, and finding that the pipework on the pump was very crazed and brittle- so allowing air slowly into the system when the tank was low and the pipework exposed.
Hope this helps!
The pipe "loom" above the tank is a joke, even if the pipes arent pinched or kinked by bad installation, they rub against the chassis and start leaking anyway.
Worth checking for leaks/wet patches around/under the tank.
thanks for the replys, update to,come later !
Got the discovery back from the garage about 5.30pm last night , broke down about 6.30pm !
Got the discovery recovered back to my home & I set about doing the work myself, 10.30pm last night fired up,sweet as a nut, took it for a 5 mile run and its flying and gear change was excellent, just tried starting it now in an angle that it didn't used to start at and it started before the key was turned, got a few things to build back up this morning then give it a good run to make sure things are as they should be"
Got the discovery recovered back to my home & I set about doing the work myself, 10.30pm last night fired up,sweet as a nut, took it for a 5 mile run

Lasted 1 hour from a garage before it broke can understand why I have such a low opinion of so called "professionals"!

Why did it break down? What did you have to do to fix it? Its really good to get as much info on here as possible, helps anyone else with the same issues in the future.
After all the work the garage done, snapping the rocker bolt, the head was taken off and swapped for my spare head, all new genuine gaskets, injector seals etc, the disco started no matter where it was parked, so the bad starting was down to the non genuine injector seals and washers that were fitted the last time, ( so only fit genuine injector seals and genuine washers).
The brake down was caused by the in tank pump , the filters on the pump were fuel of crap, not just the strainer on the bottom of the pump , also the filter that is inside of the pump housing (the garage were trying to tell me the injectors had packed up ) !
And the surging failing to change gear and kick down was caused by a duff air flow meter!
It is driving fantastic now, better than when I first bought it , so I might treat it to a set of new tyres now lol
Yes "your injectors have gone mate" is the standard garage mantra!

Good result. And good that you chased it down to a happy ending.

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