
Active Member
I was never expecting the Discovery 2 I bought recently to be perfect, but had hoped to get past the first month without major dramas.

I'm not sure how I would have picked this up prior to purchase, but the oil is slowly climbing up the dipstick. I've siphoned about 300ml out after 600 or so miles. I'll now be watching it like a hawk.

So, either the injectors are leaking - cheap and easy fix by all accounts. Or the head is cracked - which will be less cheap and less easy.

I've spoken to some head people who tell me (unsurprisingly) that 99 times out of 100 its the head which had cracked. but then I guess they only see the ones that have...

My favourite LR people are going to take a look at if for me - I was just going to do the injector seals and hope, but may as well establish what it is I am dealing with from the off.

I'm still pleased with the old bus. This was always going to happen at some stage, so may as well get if out of the way early.

So, place your bets - cracked head or just injector seals required?

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