
New Member
:doh: Another week & another post asking for help with my '99 TD5!
I am hoping I have now tracked down the root of my problem. In basic terms I have been noticing a misfire when travelling at 60-70 Mph or under acceleration, the car doesn't feel smooth when accelerating at all.
Someone kindly suggested I look at the MAF, however after disconnecting & taking the car for a long drive there was no difference at constant speed, although around town it was much more spritely!
This morning I checked the ECM & the red plug is seriously contaminated with oil! Am I safe to assume that this is the root cause of the problem? what are the other symptoms, if any, of a knackered wiring harness?
I will obviously need to replace the loom, but where is the best place to get a replacement? I've seem them on ebay for around 35 quid, is that about right?
If this does not cure the problem, where else should I look?
Should I de-EGR or not? I have heard conflicting reports as to the effectiveness of this mod. Will it affect the MOT?
One final question...... I love this car, it is my first Land Rover, but is this what I've got to look forward to for the duration of my ownership? I enjoy tinkering about, but the "little jobs" seem to be lasting forever! Is there ever light at the end of the disco tunnel? !!
No light at the end of the tunnel m8, just ensure you got a good set of spanners for the future!!!............ and yes the looms of Ebay will be fine.

Contaminated injector looms can cause all sorts of issues, it needs to be fixed ;)
:doh: Another week & another post asking for help with my '99 TD5!
I am hoping I have now tracked down the root of my problem. In basic terms I have been noticing a misfire when travelling at 60-70 Mph or under acceleration, the car doesn't feel smooth when accelerating at all.

Someone kindly suggested I look at the MAF, however after disconnecting & taking the car for a long drive there was no difference at constant speed, although around town it was much more spritely!!

If your car runs better with the maf disconnected you MAF is bûggered and needs replacement.
oooo i got oil in mine to i was told and also told it could cause the car to misfire r they easy to fix
.....1.Should I de-EGR or not? I have heard conflicting reports as to the effectiveness of this mod.
2.Will it affect the MOT?

1. Do it quick
2. Not at all...........they are looking for the NO3 concentration(at least in my country).....and EGR doesnt affect was made only for the "greens";)...i suppose:cool:
Dont you have to have the injector harness "coded" in to your ECU, each injector plug has the tolerance figures written on it and these have to be put into the ECU, At least thats what Mike from Dynachip did to mine when we re mapped it and changed harness at the same time, Also Removed EGR at the same time and replaced the MAF. Drives like a new car now
Dont you have to have the injector harness "coded" in to your ECU, each injector plug has the tolerance figures written on it and these have to be put into the ECU, At least thats what Mike from Dynachip did to mine when we re mapped it and changed harness at the same time, Also Removed EGR at the same time and replaced the MAF. Drives like a new car now

There seems to be some confusion here. The injectors DO need to be coded into the ECU, but changing only the harness does not affect that in any way, so no the harness does not need 'coding'.

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