Hi all. I've decided recently to address the power drain issue that my Freelander has. I've ruled out the aftermarket stereo that is fitted and decided to start removing fuses to see if that had any effect. I removed the fuse (engine bay) for the injector/fuel pump (yellow 20) and left it for 24 hours. I had virtually no drain from the battery the following day. I'm stuck as to what to do next? The car drives well and there is no issue with it starting (I just disconnect the battery if it isn't going to be used for a few days). This makes me think that the injectors are fine and it is possibly the ecm? Is it a straight swap if I was to get a replacement? If not I'm assuming it would need to be a main dealer job to fix?
Mine is 1998 Freelander 1.8.

This makes me think that the injectors are fine and it is possibly the ecm?

As far as I know, the engine ECM isn't connected to the battery when the ignition is off, so wouldn't be the cause of the current drain.
And no you can't just replace the ECM, as it's coded to the alarm/immobiliser module, which is buried behind the heater assembly, and not particularly easy to remove.

You can get the ECM and alarm module as a matched pair, but I don't believe changing them will solve the issue.
Are you sure it's not the interior lights causing the current drain, maybe through a faulty FET in the CCU.
I'd be taking the interior light bulbs out, and see if it makes a difference.
Hi, I disconnected the interior lights around 6pm last night. Prior to that the battery and all fuses were connected and left at 2pm. Just went and checked the voltage and it has gone from 12.6v yesterday to 11.5v at 1.40pm today. I've unplugged the fuse again for the fuel pump and going to check it again about 6pm to see if the voltage drops anymore.
Ok, so it's not interior lights pulling current then.

If pulling the fuel pump relay solves the issue, then maybe the relay contact isn't opening enough, allowing some current to flow all the time. It's unusual, but potentially not impossible.
That could be the one I've found then. The only other one I see is sitting by the radiator. I'll have a look at Rave when I get chance to see what that shows. I did have a look in the Haynes manual but that showed a fuse box for the later models I think. Looked nothing like mine.
Looking at https://www.fuddymuckers.co.uk/rtfm/Freelander/F1/F1_1996_Electrical_Circuit_Diagrams.pdf
Under engine management, MEMS The 20Amp fuse feeds relay main (R100), which is controlled by the ECM.
Either the relay is stuck energized or the ECM is sending constant signal.
A mutlmeter in line with the battery terminal would show current draw.
Be wary of poking meter leads in relay connections as it's possible to energize relay circuit, possibly starter. So I'd make sure not in gear.
Thanks everyone for your help with this issue. I have now found the root cause of the problem and I'm just waiting for the replacement part to arrive. It was a relay, sometimes listed as either a fuel pump relay or a multi purpose relay. Part number was YWB100970. The faulty relay has now been disconnected for about 3 or 4 days now and the battery still has a full charge.

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