
Active Member
hi could someone please explain what would happen or symptoms if the vaccume hose that connects to the fuel pressure regulater is disconnected as i found this had been done on a v8 disc i recently purchased,i have now reconnected it and i think its more responsive,
you answered your own question,,,dont you think???

(it alters reg pressure according to engine load)
well i said i think its more responsive but not sure as i dont have it on the road yet as just getting it ready for mot. so i just wanted to know what will have been happening if it was left unconnected. is it flat .would it be worse on mpg. will it run uneven ect . basically would it run poor. as like i say have not driven it yet on road as only just purchased it so i wouldent really know what it was like b4 i reconnected it. other wise i wouldent be asking the question
dont see where you said any of that in your first post to be honest....but hey you now know
From RAVE:


If you haven't got a copy of RAVE for your vehicle, look for a download and get it, it covers everything.

strangely mine runs better disconnected. If I connect then putting the gear selector (auto) into D etc, drops the revs to nearly 300 and it rumbles away till either stalls or revs up to 2000 then steps down, if I put it in N before stalling.
strangely mine runs better disconnected. If I connect then putting the gear selector (auto) into D etc, drops the revs to nearly 300 and it rumbles away till either stalls or revs up to 2000 then steps down, if I put it in N before stalling.

You have a problem then :(

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