no i never worked for lookers saab at all mate! so yer got a bit of a software upgrade in yer ecu that ony costs the stealers 68+vat for yet you paid how much??? much have had a major change of lifestyle be in the market from a saab to a lambo in the past 3 years,?
Nope the Hirsch upgrade was FREE from Lookers who at the time where a client of mine so cant comment on the official upgrade price that others may pay.

As for the lifestyle, yes things improved significantly over the past 2 years business wise, its just now i had the time to choose and disposable income to splash out on a new car.

As for Ferrari i agree they are very good to drive but they cannot be used as a daily motor where the Porsche can.
One of my clients has a new F430 Spider which is out of this world but again he only uses it at the weekend, i couldnt justify spending that amount of cash on a car to only drive it maybe twice a week.

As for the trip to the Ring i was originally invited by Mercedes to do a track day in August but couldnt make it and gave the invite to a mate and to return the favour he got me onto a Porsche day.

Love the drug dealer comment, my neighbours when i moved to Cheshire thought exactly the same thing.
im far too busy, gotta go and pick up my new leer jet and then have a race round mars with my mates....
^^^ do i look like ming, no
i didnt say that i was either?

hey sorry DK i thought you were a bloke, didnt realise till i saw yer pic that your a girl, ya should have mentioned that before then we'd have made an allowance for most of the nonsense you've been speaken ere
i didnt say that i was either?
Aye ye did.....kind of...

I dont know if this has been done before, so if it has who cares,
just post a pic of your self in this ere thread

or ye could just read this page.....

So does that means yer one ugly woman then?:rolleyes: :D

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