There’s an article on it in this week’s Autocar.
I think it looks good, very much like my Defender 110 but brought up to date.

Unfortunately prices to start at £40,000 according to Autocar.
Now it looks like any production will be in France at a ready made site vacated by Daimler and not Portugal and Wales as previously planed. :(
Got it.
Mixed feelings really; of course I’d like him to build it in Wales, but it makes a lot more logistical and financial sense to build it in France as, other than final assembly, it’s an realistically an EU car. No point on doubling up on tariffs and having so many other associated logistical issues.
wonder if they solved the roll over issue at 70 mph to meet the demands of the USA market?
The doors will fall off and you would have the air pulled out of your lungs and die before you got to 70 in a defender so I don't know how they did that test, a 2.5 NA engine in it will prevent that ever happening.
Does it still leak?

View attachment 213652

I like it. Lots.
I have a feeling this manufacturer will not be publishing a leak cure manual like LR has for the Def! I also think this will give LR a big headache after their lazy 'clone' of the LR range with the new Defender - they seem to have little understanding of why the Defender was so universally liked
Now it looks like any production will be in France at a ready made site vacated by Daimler and not Portugal and Wales as previously planed. :(
I couldn't help noticing a certain sponsor's name was in a prominant position on a certain F1 car yesterday
Mercedes F1 car.jpg
Will be interesting to see how used prices end up, whether it will depreciate or hold its value.
I am not sure how many buyers are lined up waiting to buy one when it finally becomes available.
40k for the basic model, but that was last year, that doesn’t take into the consideration the savings involved in dumping the Welsh.
@ £40k they’ll fly off the shelves so I expect the order books to be full. Surprised they didn’t do a Tesla and take a £1000 deposit 2 years ahead of the release of their smaller hatch.
@ £40k they’ll fly off the shelves so I expect the order books to be full. Surprised they didn’t do a Tesla and take a £1000 deposit 2 years ahead of the release of their smaller hatch.
Musk was playing it canny with the release of the 3 and the Y the deposit scheme gave a clear indication of the level of demand, though the $30 k model never really materialised.
As I suspect neither will the £40k grenadier.

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