
New Member
Hi Guys,

Another weird problem has cropped up on my Freelander. Yesterday whilst driving the indicators suddenly stopped and when I tried giving an indicator to turn the lights on the dash dimmed.
Then again when I tried giving an indicator the speedometer etc all just died down even though the car was still working. In the morning today I tried restarting the car and it did started but as soon as I gave the indicator again the whole dash seems to die out. This includes the lights on the dash dimming so much that I can barely see them. The rev meter, Speedo and mile counter all just turn off. Also the SRS sign (airbag) lights up?
Is this a problem with the battery or fuses or something more sinister? I have to take car for a long trip soon and would like this to be sorted out ASAP. So can anyone please shed a light on this?

remove the plastic covers around the steering column and inspect for loose wires at the back of the steering lock/ignition switch.
remove the plastic covers around the steering column and inspect for loose wires at the back of the steering lock/ignition switch.

Is it easy enough to dismantle the covers and put them back on? Or shall I retort to some sort of professional garage help?
Is it easy enough to dismantle the covers and put them back on?

With respect: If you're asking that question I would suggest seeking advice from your local garage.
Is it easy enough to dismantle the covers and put them back on?

With respect: If you're asking that question I would suggest seeking advice from
your local garage.

Thanks Dan, just rang out AA, hopefully they can tune it! If not then I will try going to a garage. Like I mentioned earlier am just a complete 'daft' when it comes to cars. But do you think its fuses?
if it was fuses the affected circuits would be dead, more likely to be a broken wire or an earthing problem
I read about a similar problem on a Belgian general autoforum but there all the dashboardlights went out when they switched on the lights, it ended up it was due to the rheostat someone had put in the max. or min. position which made the dashlights became all obscure as soon as the lights were put on. Can it be something similar here ? Guess not but it's no work to check it out and it's free of charges ???:cool:
When I had my Cougar, one of the silly faults was that if the interior light fuse blew then the internal heater would blow hot air at full blast!!!
Right guys, the AA man came and guess what its a bizzare one. There have been some odd connections made in the fuse box, and some fuses have been bypassed. The wire that was doing this moved hence powering down the speedo, revo and odo! So a bit of tinkering and its been sorted for now.
I have been advised to take it to an auto electrician as it seems the fuse box has melted in the back and someone (the previous owner) did a bit of tinkering to keep the car moving along.
So what do you reckon is it gonna cost a fortune to get the fuse box sorted out?
In the evening today I will click a pic and post it here if I can so that you guys can see whats been happening in that mysterious place.


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