Check relay first if you can hear fast clicking.Hi. I have an indicator problem on my 1986 defender. Left indicator and hazards work fine but right indicator stays on constant and doesn’t flash. However, if I plug my trailer in right side flashes normal. Any idea why it would work when trailer lights connected?
That makes sense I will try that in a minute.What happens if you take a right side bulb out, say the one at the front ?
Or the one at the back ?
The flasher relay uses the current drawn to 'flash'. Adding the trailer increases the current so the relay is activated.
If removing the bulb doesn't change anything (and the bulb works OK) then it maybe time to change the relay ...
Relay - 4 Pin - 12V - Flasher Unit - With Trailer Socket | Def - RRC
PRC8876 - Britpart, Allmakes and Land Rover options for PRC8876 Relay - 4 Pin - 12V - Flasher Unit - With Trailer Socket | Def - RRC - EXPRESS Shipping - UK, EU and
That makes sense I will try that in a minute.
Thank you
That makes sense I will try that in a minute.
Thank you
What happens if you take a right side bulb out, say the one at the front ?
Or the one at the back ?
The flasher relay uses the current drawn to 'flash'. Adding the trailer increases the current so the relay is activated.
If removing the bulb doesn't change anything (and the bulb works OK) then it maybe time to change the relay ...
Relay - 4 Pin - 12V - Flasher Unit - With Trailer Socket | Def - RRC
PRC8876 - Britpart, Allmakes and Land Rover options for PRC8876 Relay - 4 Pin - 12V - Flasher Unit - With Trailer Socket | Def - RRC - EXPRESS Shipping - UK, EU and
miktdish thank you, you were spot on. The front bulb holder was corroded and very poor connection with bulb. Connected the bulb direct to wires and flasher unit works. Through the lamp holder bulb very very dim and no flash.What happens if you take a right side bulb out, say the one at the front ?
Or the one at the back ?
The flasher relay uses the current drawn to 'flash'. Adding the trailer increases the current so the relay is activated.
If removing the bulb doesn't change anything (and the bulb works OK) then it maybe time to change the relay ...
Relay - 4 Pin - 12V - Flasher Unit - With Trailer Socket | Def - RRC
PRC8876 - Britpart, Allmakes and Land Rover options for PRC8876 Relay - 4 Pin - 12V - Flasher Unit - With Trailer Socket | Def - RRC - EXPRESS Shipping - UK, EU and