
New Member
Hiya folks, here's one for you.

Went laning yesterday, got a bit muddy, picked up the odd scratch here and there, then washed the beauty down. Now I have a problem with the N/S indicators! The worked fine until I wash the car down, but now when I put the N/S flasher on only the little inicator on the wing is flashing (only faintly). Checked the fuse/bulbs and all ok.

Had a look this morning and the same thing happened again but it has now started working ok again? Also if I had my lights on and tried to inicate left the lights would dim whilst the dash warning light was flashing. (Inicate right and no problems at all!)

Has anyone else had this problem or can point me in the right direction to start looking. Haven't had time yet to check the earths yet but thought I'd pick your brains whilst I'm online!
Had a similar problem on mine and found a cable rubbing on the body work at the front end causing a short.
Re-insulated the cable and no problem since
Hello John, looks like I had the same problem. Removed the N/S/F light unit and found one of the indicatior wires was bare in places. Cut that section out and added a new piece of wire and all seems ok at the moment. Hopefully thats all it was!

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