ok, in all of this, I am actually seeking to understand where is to best place it as it'd be best secure - so whoever looks at this will notice that the place suggested is 'better' and hence won't even try to get close to it:)

any recommendations on that then? :D
Alright - I understand set-up is a sensitive topic - I will figure out where to put them with the support of someone offline.

So rather than set-up suggestions, what products do you recommend for Defender security, I'd be keen to hear your views on 1) Pedal locks 2) transmission locks 3) bonnet locks

thanks a lot,

Stick a 200db alarm securely inside the cab, linked in to a trembler switch!
There are some on fleabay which are designed for motorcycles, and work extremely well, especially if they are linked via a relay, to a second 200db alarm either in the engine bay or underneath somewhere!
I don't give a monkery's toss if the scroats get deafened! :cool::cool:
Hi @vasimone

Not sure if the deterrent or thievery is the same over in your part of the World.

Here it is suggested to use a layered approach, as the type of thief does change depending on who it is and what they want your pride and joy for.

We have :

Druggies and thieving swine who break in and want to steal your goodies that are stored in a landy. A secondary door lock as you were looking at, but even then windows are not the strongest, so a Solid lockable storage device bolted into the floor. Plus using common sense and not leaving anything on show to entice them.

Opportunistic little So and so's who will steal it for a blast down some lanes and fields , followed by an application of petrol and a bonfire. For these a good solid visual deterrent , pedal lock, steering lock seems to be the best approach.

People stealing to break your car and sell the bits. Again good solid visual deterrent as above , plus an alarm that is well hidden and includes a secondary / back up battery. Something like Smartwater to mark the main / expensive parts of the vehicle, as it should make it more difficult / hassle to sell parts on. People have even used a baby monitor if it is parked closely, one in the car and another next to your bed. A tracker with geofence and battery disconnection available, for these they can be got cheaply or you can get more expensive units that are monitored by a third party and have police cooperation, ( but not sure this would work in Accra) , However you may be able to use the engine immobiliser feature that some of them have included. One thing is if trackers are common where you are, the thief quite often will park the car and leave it for a few days to check the cops are not tracking it.

People stealing your car to take it and use it in another county. Pretty much as above, However it could be a case of they will not care and just drive it over a border and ignore the police. Not sure how it works over there. Maybe the only way to try and stop a determined thief is to physically block it in so that they cannot get access.

Trick is to make like difficult for them so they go steal your neighbours car.

I find a couple of visual deterrents, smart water plus a tracker allows me to sleep at night with no worries.


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