surely that's got to be worth buying with the extra mileage per gallon that's got to be unique maybe 1 of a kind even !!
I hope you get an answer.
btw whilst not accellerating like hell and no heavy braking at the last moment and touring on the motorway at 2500 rpm with my Td4 I manage to reach 36 MPG.
Note that this is all at long distances. Driving in the village only will increase the fuel consumption like we all know.
Somebody is going to be right ****ed off with that car. I'm no FL guru but I ask a question if I refitted the prop and the 4X4 system is fek'd will he pay for it to be fixed and was he willing to put that in writing. Got a reply saying there is something wrong with the 4 wheel drive it won't go backwards properly and signing anything was out of the question as he felt he had explained it all in the advert.
frankly i'd never buy a car from anyone who writes a description like that

way I see it, if someone really wants to sell their car and is honest, then they'll tell you all about it. show's they've taken care of their car too if they know about it
Somebody is going to be right ****ed off with that car. I'm no FL guru but I ask a question if I refitted the prop and the 4X4 system is fek'd will he pay for it to be fixed and was he willing to put that in writing. Got a reply saying there is something wrong with the 4 wheel drive it won't go backwards properly and signing anything was out of the question as he felt he had explained it all in the advert.

So basically he is saying that the IRD is goosed and he is trying to palm it off as ok by using the old "it's better on fuel as a 2WD" routine. Heard it many many times!!
If it's cheap, it's probably worth fixing but only you could trust what the seller is saying!! Sadly he sounds a crook best avoided.
frankly i'd never buy a car from anyone who writes a description like that

way I see it, if someone really wants to sell their car and is honest, then they'll tell you all about it. show's they've taken care of their car too if they know about it

He clearly doesn't give a sh1t about the car. He hasn't even bothered to replace the plastic bits that have "fallen" off!! If had 5 Freelanders and never had any plastic bits fall off!!
He clearly doesn't give a sh1t about the car. He hasn't even bothered to replace the plastic bits that have "fallen" off!! If had 5 Freelanders and never had any plastic bits fall off!!

he, apparently, never noticed how mank the seats were either, car is a tool, just like its owner

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