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Whilst green landing I took a wrong turn and ended in a stream with the water over the bonnet. Charlie (my landy) was in the water for about an hour or so but we got him out eventually.

He's got a 2.25 diesel engine which after allot of drying and turning over with the injectors out to get rid of the water it eventually started. So here's my questions:

The engine although running smoothly at tick over, when revved up there's a bit of a splutter every now and then. What could this be?

Also what would be a good check list to see if other damage has been done?

Can someone please advise?
Check all your oils, because if you haven't prepared for wading, you could have a sump full, diffs full and gearboxes full of emulsifying oil/water mix!

You could also have water in your fuel ...

And that's just for starters!
Don't forget the air cleaner,water entering it can force the oil from the bath into the motor[lots of smoke] before the water then reaches the engine. With your symptoms I would check fuel system first.
If you have got a wading plug in the bell housing remove it to drain water. If you have not got one for #### sake fit a bugger before you go paddling again. Could still be air in the fuel crack the injector nozzles open when running to see if it makes any difference.
Good advise to check/change the oils.
Wow thanks guys! :high5:
Loads of stuff to get started with.

I didn't start him up with the injectors in. Only after I got the water out by turning it over with injectors out.
My mate said he checked the engine oil and told me there was no water in it. I checked it after I'd been running it and found there was oil and water up to the top of the dip stick. I dropped the oil from the sump last night and it's very gloopy. Have I now killed the engine for running it with too much oil and water in it?

This was probably why there was a lack of power?

How can I get all the gloop out?
Depends how far you drove her!

Have you lost coolant? If so, you might have blown the head gasket!

If your engine still runs (?) drain out all of the oil, and leave the plug out for an hour or so to get rid of as much gloop as possible, and then replace the plug and stick a gallon of paraffin in and run the engine on tick over for about 10 minutes.


Then drain, fill up with cheap oil and do the same again.

Hopefully, that will clean out the system and you will have no lasting damage.
Hmmm, Sounds like you ingested plenty of water. The only way to go now is to do a couple of oil changes, maybe do the first one with flushing oil. I think if it where mine I would use cheap 20/50 from somewhere like Wilko at £9 a gallon. Drain and refill plus a filter change drive around 10 miles and repeat. Could be easier and cheaper than an engine strip. Change the air filter oilLet us know how you get on.
I found that paraffin works better than flushing oil as it absorbs a lot of the water/gloop ... and I forgot to mention changing the filters each time you flush!

Once again thanks for this.

Will try some paraffin and cheap oil the weekend and let you know what happens.

These Perkins engines i'm told are bomb proof so lets find out if the sayings true.
I know there's not much power in them and a 200tdi would be better. Charlie just chugs along and that's fine for me.

Will also change the diff oil and check gearbox oil.

Will anything need re-greasing? When I tried to move him using the engine it was like the handbrake was stuck. moved in the end though.

Mate took a picture of it in the drink so will post it when I get it.
Have you checked that the oil bath air cleaner is not over full with oil/water...allowing it to suck some in.
Yep took all that off and dried it out. Also took off manifold (full of water) and dried it with a paint stripping gun. Also pointed the paint stripping gun in all the engine outlet holey thingys.

Haven't changed the fuel filter yet though.

Hope I get it working soon. Fed up already of cycling 6 miles to work and back in this weather.
I don't think so.

Luckily the person who had Charlie before me took away the old fuel tank and made one to fit in the boot. I'd always meant to buy an original tank again and fit it where it should be, as it's a bit of a pain taking up the little space that the boot has.

What will happen if there's water in the fuel tank?
Well it would would misfire if drawn into the engine...water wont burn...and would not do the pump internals any good.
i also sank my 88" a couple of years ago (water washing over the bonnet), engine gulped water and i was lucky not to bend a rod, as per the OP i needed to pull the injectors and blow all my air intake system out including the intercooler (200tdi under the bonnet) the only things that didn't get water in it was my sump and fuel tank luckily

you'll need to drain and refill both axles, the swivels, the gearbox and transfer box due to water ingress, i'd suggest doing this even if you have extended breathers

driving with badly emulsified gearbox oil will trash the gearbox pretty quickly

I removed the oil from the engine which was gloopy. Washed it twice with cheap oil and fresh filters. Now runs smooth as a nut.

Front diff oil was also gloopy but then ep90 is.
Rear diff was like old soggy porridge left it all day to empty. Didn't look good. re-filled with ep90 but will change again in a few weeks.

Not done gearbox, transfer box and never done the swivels, easy job?

Took it for a small run and feels like the handbrake keep coming on and sticking what could this be?

Here's a picture of it in the drink:



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